Search results

  1. S

    Honest-to-gosh target trigger...

    Does Timney, or Jewell, or somebody, make a really nice target trigger that fits the Ruger Precision Rifle? I'm spoiled--The "target trigger" that comes stock on the RPR seems draggy to me. Or mebbe there is an adjustment for that?
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    Results, finally...

    Well, I promised results. Finally got the RPR, in 6.5 Creedmoor, and now finally have begun shooting it. The attached is best group so far.
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    Tight primers...

    Eager to load for my new 6.5 Creedmoor. Got 100 Nosler cases. Have had good results for my "serious" rifles with CCI BR-2 primers, so that was what I used to prime them. The BR-2's I have used for years, with no problems; they have inserted normally into all my cases up 'til now. That's as far...
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    WOO HOO! Just got word from my LGS that my Ruger Precision Rifle, 6.5 Creedmoor, I had on order, is IN!! (Happy dance!!) Can't pick it up immediately, so I thought I'd ask the collective wisdom for a recommendation as to a 'scope for the RPR. Hope for a 'scope that I can use for 100-yd-ish...
  5. S

    Well, I bit...

    Having read several articles on the new Hornady cartridge, 6.5 Creedmoor, and having read with interest several other articles praising the new Ruger Precision Rifle, and having wandered into a LGS that claimed to be able to get one for me, I went and ordered an RPR in 6.5 CM. Am waiting with...
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    Ruger Precision Rifle...

    The write-up in American Rifleman piqued my interest in this beastie. Since, of course, none of my LGS's have had one in stock that I could fondle. I'm enamored of the 6.5 Creedmoor (same thing; an AR writeup) and it would seem that a ready-made target rifle with all the trimmings in 6.5 CM...
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    Hornady Auto Charge Powder Scale/Dispenser...

    Currently, Midway is offering a sale price on the Hornady Auto Charge Powder Scale & Dispenser. I'm tempted. Any comments on this device? How accurate is it? I have a perfectly good accurate RCBS Uniflow hand-cranked dispenser, also a Lyman #55 (which is better than the RCBS for small charges)...
  8. S

    Why no Varget for target??

    Am researching a load for the .300 WSM. Want to use 168 grain target bullets, either Sierra or Nosler. Have researched several printed sources, plus the Hodgdon website. Was thinking of using Varget as the propellant. All agree that I could use Varget with a 165 grain bullet, but all also have...
  9. S

    WHERE is it???

    I don't reload shotgun ammo much at all, like years between batches. (I'm mostly a rifle and pistol shooter.) But recently the urge came on me, and therefore I began assembling ingredients. Which brings me to the question: WHERE THE DEVIL IS ALL THE SHOTGUN POWDER????? No local source I've...
  10. S

    Ithaca offered...Need advice...

    Local antique dealer has an Ithaca Model 37R for sale. The M-37 is Ithaca's excellent pump shotgun, with bottom loading AND ejection--Making it a great shotgun for lefties. I'm somewhat interested. Cannot find any info at all on the 37R. (There is lots of info on 37's generally, of course.) On...
  11. S

    Resizing loaded ammo...

    When loading ammo for my .45 acp target pistol, a 1911, I run each piece through a Midway "chamber checker" after seating and taper crimping the bullet. (There's gotta be a technical term for "chamber checker"!) Last session, had about a dozen rounds that wouldn't chamber in the checker. Hmm...
  12. S

    Help! Problem with lead for bullet casting...

    Casting along, using wheel weights we smelted earlier today. Nice clean ingots put into RCBS bottom-pour casting furnace. Molten lead running well, casting good bullets, when suddenly the lead starts to run slowly, then drip, then almost stop. Furnace set at 725° F. Tried lower and higher...
  13. S

    Independence Day!!

    As soon as I get off my computer I'm going to the range to do some shooting. Partly I need the practice. Partly to celebrate Independence Day (yes, a day early--family stuff all day tomorrow) and exercise one of the precious freedoms that our Founding Fathers and the grunts in the Continental...
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    Liver Night! Yay! Found a pkg. of deer liver in the freezer, this week. Oh, Boy! Thought it was long gone! Thawed it out, and tonight Mrs. Smokey Joe (bless her) fried bacon, then onions, then the liver, while the potatoes were boiling. As a new thing, she put some fresh thyme from the garden...
  15. S

    I won! New (used) rifle questions...

    Lightning struck! I won a used Steyr sniper rifle, apparently an SSG-PII (it has the set trigger) in a raffle @ a local gun show. Picked it up last night (boy is it a heavy gun!) and now am trying to learn all I can about it. It's something of an odd beastie, at least by American standards, at...
  16. S

    Bullet seating depth problem with .45 ACP...

    Guys, I need some help here. Am loading up a batch of .45 ACP target ammo, using the usual run of cases, i.e. mixed manufacturer, my own previous reloads plus range pick-ups. Am loading a 200 grain lead SWC over Win 231. It's a low-pressure target load. Has worked for me in the past, and has...
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    Progress Report:My Sorta-Bubba'd Pseudo-Scout (Warning: Photo heavy.)

    Been working on this one for a while, and feel I owe y'all some kind of report. Bought a Yugo Mauser M-48 some years back, and decided that it didn't need to stay in its military configuration. Sooo...what to do to it?? After shooting it a few times, it was obvious that the military sights and...
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    New problem with .30 Carbine...

    So I take the "new" CMP carbine to the range today, and it's functioning nicely...BUT--it's shooting so far off to the right, at 50 and at 100yd, that after cranking the rear sight all the way over to the left, the POI is still 'way to the right. Anyone else have this problem? Is there a handy...
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    6.5 mm Creedmoor

    Just heard abt. this new cartridge in latest edition of Shotgun News. Sounds like a great cartridge, but info as to the dimensions of the case, etc, etc, were not included in the article. Would be interested in learning more--Anybody have more info on this cartridge, or know where info is to be had?
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    What's a BDC??

    Sorry to sound like a newbie; I guess we all have something to learn now & again. It's my turn. The term "Bullet Drop Compensating," with reference to a rifle 'scope, is a new one on me. What is it for, why is it good or bad, do I want to pay extra for it?? I'm well aware that a bullet begins...