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    Obama Wants 1.1 Billion For Gun Control

    "President Obama has requested $1.1 billion and the Department of Justice (DOJ) asked for $382.1 million for gun control "to protect Americans from gun violence."
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    U.S. Marine's Letter To Dianne Feinstein "No Ma'am" Here is the letter, copy and pasted. Senator Dianne Feinstein, I will not register my weapons should this bill be passed, as I do not believe it is the government’s right to know...
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    Definitive SD Ammo Data

    There are constant threads here regarding the best defensive ammo available for handguns and rifles. Let's cut out the speculation and get to some hard, verified data. Here's a link that covers it and should be made a sticky thread IMO...
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    Cyber security bill has magazine ban amendment (S.A. 2575)

    It's time for us to sound the alarm. Call your senators and tell them to oppose SA 2575. Link:
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    School Me On The BAR Lightweight Stalker

    Shouldered one in the gun shop Saturday and it felt great. I'm thinking of getting one in .308 or .30-06 for hog and deer hunting. What are your experiences with this rifle? Likes, dislikes? Suggestions? Thank you very much for your input. :)
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    Old School Colt SAA- Show Your Cowboy Guns

    As a child, I grew up watching Rawhide, Paladin, Bonanza, and other great westerns on TV. I've always loved the Colt SAA and bought quite a few handguns over the years, but somehow left one great revolver out of the mix until recently. I wish I'd bought a Peacemaker sooner. :o Colt...
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    Colt SAA -- Finally Got One!

    Stopped in my local gunshop Monday morning and discovered a very lightly used early 70's .45 Colt SAA. :) I've wanted one since I was a kid, watching Gunsmoke, Bonanza and Rawhide. Can't wait to get to the range with her!
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    What Does The Term "Combat Handgun" Mean To You?

    Mentioned in a current thread, it got me to thinking. How do you define a "combat handgun"? I'd venture to say it starts with a sidearm that shoots a service grade caliber -- .38 Special, 9mm or larger. Share your thoughts. :)
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    FIREMISSION -- Stop Obama's Nomination Of Traver For BATF

    Obama has nominated an anti-gun libtard to head up ATF, NRA opposes the nomination, and so should you. From the NRA Website: Statement From NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox "The NRA strongly opposes President Obama’s nomination of Andrew Traver as director of the Bureau of Alcohol...
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    I Love My Wife -- Pics Of My Birthday Present!

    She's a great lady, excellent shooter, best friend, good cook and exceptional lover. Here's an over-exposed picture of my Birthday present, an HK P2000 SK 9mm! (It will be a good companion to its big brother, an HK P30 L she gave me for Christmas.) After 32 years of marriage, think I'm...
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    Colt NMGC Question

    I would very much appreciate some expert opinions from you gentlemen about this 1965 National Match Gold Cup. My father bought it new in 1965 from a large hardware store in our town. (Remember those good old days?) He was a collector more than a shooter and I'd be surprised if he ever shot it...