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  1. V

    Will Video Games Make The Current Generation More "Gun-Tolerant"?

    I ask because with all the firearms that the current generation(mid 80's to early 90's) faces in video games and the media they inherently seem less opposed to firearms.What do you guys/gals think? When they all grow up will society and laws will become more lax with regard to firearms due to...
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    CVA Smoke Pole... Optima Pro-Magnum, problems...

    I've been using 250grn powerbelts in .50cal and 100grns of pyrodex and 777(pellets), the gun is scoped with a nice nikon (9X max power), I'll have to check for exact model. Anyway, I have tried many solutions to accuracy problems (moist patch between shots, premium 209 primers, bags and rear...
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    Taboo, Or Should We Be Proud?

    I consider this sport somewhat of a taboo, or unspoken of. In this area it is most certainly true. However, when boxed in, I will usually admit that I "competatively target shoot" which most people seem to take better. However, I have found that once Ibreak the ice, they start to come out of the...
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    If There Was Incentive, Would You Take More Safety Courses?

    IE, if one were to take more hunter/gun safety classes one would receive 20% next firearms purchase. So, what say you all? Thanks, -VE
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    When Did It Deteriorate and Why?

    I often question when and why the policy on firearms changed so dramatically, IE, in the early part of the century you could order ANY firearm in a SEARS catalogue and have it sent to your door! Now, big brother has his hand in everything. So, I must ask you, the people of wisdom and age;why...
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    Accurate Blued Barrel & Wood Stock .223 <$700

    Whats your pick? I am choosing between a weatherby vanguard, Cz527, or possibly a savage of some sort-I don't like remington anything, but as a last resort I may defect:o Thanks, VE
  7. V

    Better plinker: SKS or High Point 9mm???

    What is more accurate, more consistant in reliability and cheaper overall? Thanks, -Ve
  8. V

    The Coalition Against Gun Control: Statistics, references, sources...

    Considering where I live (just north of NYC), there is stifling anitgun legislation and an even more recalcitrant populous. So, now for the nitty gritty; I find myself in gun control debates on a daily basis, usually I win, sometimes I lose. I usually lose because I cannot pull up the statistics...
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    Miles Of Cable Mask Alot...

    As a member of this forum you must have an internet connection, and the internet is essentially a system of cables and servers-these do much to mask the true character of many members. So in contemplation I have had a revalation if you will, and as a result I decided to pose this question. Do...
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    "Use Enough Gun" We Are TOLD...

    I hate to spark controvery, and possibly flog a subject (history search didnt turn anything up..), however, I must ask a question. You see I am often told to "use enough gun" as are my peers and individuals from all age groups in todays "magnumified" world. Now I know what is reasonable, as most...
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    Cz 527 In .223...Thoughts?

    I love Cz's, but I have only experienced their RF lines. I really love the look, twist rate and price of the Cz 527 American in .223. However, before I get toooo excited, any thoughts? Experiences? Thanks in advance! -Chase
  12. V

    Ok, Airplane I've Got... Firearms on Busses?

    I am going to my ranch fopr vacatio, hopefully, and want to bring my rifle and ammo-problem is I need to take a bus:o So what to do, just dont take the thing? Or do I need to declare it and lock it(or course...what about case, hard or soft??? Whats the dealio:confused: Thanks in advance guys...
  13. V

    Why are Centerfire Rifles So Typically Inaccurate?

    I have not seen a SINGLE centerfire rifle at my range in all the years I have been going there acheive below 7/8" groups. Yet even the guys with the marlin 60's and a scop/ammo of decent quality can keep em within an inch at 100yrds, with little wind. This is not ctc, raw group size and more...
  14. V

    Enlighten Me Please..... WWII German K98!

    Title says it all, good years, what to look for, can they handle modern loads, what is frosting, what does russian rework mean, what plants to watch out for/look for? All that stuff, also, are yugo manufactured models comparable? Were rifles made in other countries for germany the same...
  15. V

    Dont Understand: DA RULES!

    Ok I see RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULES and rules and more rules concerning firearms-I however, have not a clue as to what half of them pertain to and in what circumstances do they qualify? 1) CCW, I understand the conceiled part-why cant you wear the gun "out"? 2) Caliber-above .50 is a...
  16. V

    I Have A Condition....

    I have something of a "disease", no before you guys all jump in and say its fine and that you suffer from it as well I must say, I have a rather serious case of it. Its called S.F.A.A, or Sever firearms Afinity Affliction-EVERY NIGHT I have to open the safe and take a few rifles off the rack...
  17. V

    Had a Conversation With Some Anti's-Found Out Some Interesting Things.

    So I went to visit some family friends and a somewhat taboo topic came up-firearms! I hate to call them guns but some people do that:rolleyes:. Anyway, after a long (2hours) conversation I learned something from the "other side" First off the argument's objectives were somewhat lost in...
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    I Shot A luger And...

    LOVED IT.So I was wondering how many of these are still around (WWII) the one I shot was more accurate then any other 9mm i have shot and its great not to have the slide clipping your thumb or worry about it:cool: It had a very neat mechansim and a longish barrel (for a pistol,probly 4-6") it...
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    Silencer Slowing BUllet

    Ok, so i saw sentinel (sp)and in the movie it was stated that silencers work by slowing down the bullet, ok I thought,plausable. Then I remembered that in all silencers I have seen baffles are used, never friction/slowing devices used for slowing down the bullet. However, I think i remember an...
  20. V

    Hudson Valley Gunsmiths?

    Well its about time I post this, you see I live in a fairly affluent and liberal area,briarcliff manor, and I was wondering whether or not any of you have heard of Peter Guido I was reffered to him by a guy from accurate sports, heck maybe he's on here??? Anyway, so if any of you knw this guy...