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  1. 4

    APB - Stolen Firearm

    This info is about a week old, but I want to post it anyway. A friend and her husband were in Spokane, WA on a weekend late at night on their way home from a trip. They stopped at a store, and left the gun in its shoulder holster in their van, which they did not lock. They were in the store...
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    The time has come for me to turn off the lights, pack away the computer, and hit the road. When and where I drop anchor again, if at all, is still a questionmark. Thanks everyone for a most entertaining diversion from the daily humdrum of imminent terrorist attack warnings, gun-owner bashing...
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    Indiana Gun Grabbers Try To Close Another Loophole

    Group seeks ban on sales of guns in classified ads By Vic Ryckaert June 27, 2002 A gun safety advocacy group wants Indiana newspapers to ban classified ads selling firearms. Hoosiers Concerned About Gun Violence calls the sale of guns through the newspaper a...
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    What Would Happen?

    What if you came upon some unsavory types that meet the profile of terrorists about to blow something up, and you break it up with your weapon(s), killing some or all. After the smoke clears, you have a decision to make. Wait for the cops, or bug out. What would your local LEOs do? Would you...
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    Looks Like a Job For the Militia

    Wasn't sure if this belongs in the general category or here, so I defaulted to here. The article is too long to reproduce here, but here's the link: Seems to me, a top priority order of business is to get rid of the local prosecutors.
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    The Special Interest Groups Will Have A Ball With This

    Armed Man Shoots Three in Manhattan NEW YORK (AP) - A heavily armed black man allegedly shot three people and tried to set patrons at a Manhattan bar on fire Sunday before being wounded by officers and arrested in what police said was a racially motivated attack. Steven Johnson, 34, was...
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    Most Common?

    It's been a while since this was discussed, and things have happened, so I'll try again. If you were to travel around the country what calibers of centerfire ammo, both rifle and pistol, would you be most likely to find? IOW, what is the most common centerfire calibers for rifle and pistol...
  8. 4

    Marksmanship Merit Badge

    After reading through the thread I'm stunned. Wasn't anybody in the Boy/Girl Scouts? Didn't you go for your Marksmanship Merit Badge? Why wouldn't you consider that to be formal training? I got my merit badge training from...
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    Memorial Day

    Once again we are reminded of those that made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. Assuming you have some kind of plans for the weekend, how do you plan to include RKBA in your gestures of remembrance? Say Oleg, how 'bout a poster pic?
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    Gunnery Net is Back!

    IF this has already been posted, then I apologize for the redundancy. The Gunnery Net website is back up, and features the new and improved Gun Facts version 3.1, with RKBA images by Mr. Oleg Volk. Here ya go: :cool:
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    After Dark

    What techniques do you use for night handgun shooting under the following conditions: illuminated target and shooter, illuminated target only, illuminated shooter only, non-illuminated target and shooter. Assume the above conditions with both conventional open sights and special night...
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    Now what?

    So, what do you do when you get to that remote camp site, get all unpacked, only to discover that you forgot your cleaning kit? No solvent, no patches, no lube, no ramrod, no jags, no nothing.
  13. 4

    Ladies! Your Attention Please!

    I just visited the Second Amendment Sisters web site, and came away disillusioned. It hasn't been updated since 10 June 2001...almost 11 months! Where are the rally schedules? Who's organizing the Mothers' Day rallies or shoots? Who's coordinating the Fourth of July activities with other pro...
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    What Happened to the Gunnery Net?

    Does anybody know what happened to the Gunnery Net at: I haven't been able to connect to it for almost two weeks. It had the best gun glossary I've ever seen. I'd have to see it go down the rabbit hole.
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    The Defenseless Society Marches On

    So, here we go again. What I want to know is, how are they going to enforce it? Roadblocks, with full occupant and vehicle search? The Washington Times --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firearms ban proposed for parks, centers...
  16. 4

    HR218: This Will Affect Everybody

    At the moment, HR218 isn't going anywhere because the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee is holding it up from discussion. That can't last forever. Sooner or later one of the demos will wrench it loose, and it will go to the committee. Judging by the support it has in the House, it...
  17. 4

    Did 9-11 change the way you approach personal security?

    If you changed your attitude towards personal security because of the terror attacks, what did you do to accomodate the demands of terror at home from forign terrorists? What are you alert for now, that you weren't before 9-11? What would you tell your neighbors and friends if/when they asked...
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    The M-14 in Afghanistan

    Looking for something else, I came across this: "USMC takes M-14 rifle upgrade to Afghanistan conflict" "The rifle will enable designated marksmen to deliver accurate semi-automatic fire against multiple targets at greater ranges and with greater lethality than the M16A2."...
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    McCain - Feingold and your guns

    I haven't seen much here about McCain - Feingold, so I'll start something. It would seem that it's next to a done deal, which I can't figure. The only thing I can see getting in the way of it's passage is a Senate filibuster. I've even seen print articles that claim that Bush will sign it...
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    How Far Do You Go?

    How far do you have to travel to your favorite firing range or shootin' spot? I can either drive about 12 miles one way to one spot in the hills, or about 25 miles to another spot more suited for 100-300 yard work. I have to bring everything: frame, stand, centers, target backs, portable bench...