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  1. S

    Get involved or not - here we go again

    All the what-if scenarios that manage to get posted boil down to a question of whether or not to get involved. There is never going to be an end to the question of should you or shouldn't you get involved. But there are a few things that can help decide. Gabe Suarez has a few comments that...
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    Need help - casemouth belling on firing

    My new Taurus .327FedMagnum revolver is belling the cases on firing. Serious enough belling so that I need to get a mallet and tap the extractor rod to get the cases out. There is no carbon ring partially down the chamber, but fired cases reinserted do stick about 7/8th of the way in as if...
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    "Ism's" and America a great old cartoon. need to pass it on to all the liberals you know -- and to the conservatives as well. stay safe. skidmark
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    Save the Second Amendment Rep. Cantor deserves praise for this. stay safe. skidmark In a great victory for the American People, the U.S. Court of Appeals overturned the DC handgun ban saying it was a violation of the second amendment. For the first time in years a court held that the...
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    Survey - How much force is reasonable?

    Here is your chance to influence the training and behavior of law enforcement regarding the use of force. This is a legitimate survey in an attempt to define "reasonable" in the use of force. So far, the numbers disagreeing with the proposed scenario responses are...
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    BOHICA - the Virginia gun show loophole

    Look here: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A solution in search of a problem if ever there was one. stay safe. skidmark
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    Action needed on concealed carry in National Parks

    Just received from VCDL - it affects all states, not just Virginia! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- VCDL's Gun Dealer Legal Defense Fund -- help fight Mayor Bloomberg's scheme to cripple Virginia firearms dealers. See:
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    Petersburg, Virginia man shoots two during attempted robbery

    The TV news is reporting that the two managed to leave the house under their own power after both were shot by the homeowner. They are reported to have gone directly to the local hospital, where one was "treated and released" while the other was "admitted for treatment." The one admitted to...
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    There'll be an American with a rifle ...

    behind every blade of grass." -- attributed (but never uttered) by Admiral Yamamoto and/or various other Japanese when contemplating an invasion of the US mainland. Remembering Pearl Harbor At dawn on Sunday, December 7, 1941 65 years ago today, naval aviation forces of the Empire of Japan...
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    Irish peace activist arrests USA GIs

    Go here for the full story. Be sure to read the comments that follow the article - a mixed bag of "for" & "against". I'd post my own thoughts, but right now they are no where near appropriate for The Firing Line. stay safe. skidmark
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    American Range Trip day

    Kim passes on a good idea. stay safe. skidmark
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    Is this our Lawdog?

    :( While I hope it's not, I fear it is. stay safe. skidmark
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    need ID and value

    2 rifles - PM me if you are interested in purchasing. I am not selling, but know the person who is. #1 - Manufacture D'Armes Chatellerault Me 1886 M.93 bolt action (with matching bayonet - no scabbard) #2 - 1876-1877 Waffen GE5 single-shot, bolt action short, carbine...
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    Being right is wrong

    This was in today's Richmond (VA) Times-Disgrace which is why it is all the sweeter to have read. Quote: Boy, 11, suspended for defending his friend He says he pushed a bully at the bus stop MARK HOLMBERG POINT OF VIEW Oct 5, 2005 Mark's column appears Sun. and Wed. Contact him at...
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    The rest of the Blackwater/New Orleans story

    The Second Part Of The Story Here's the ad Blackwater is running: Sounds pretty "mercinary" to me - not! Here's the second installment of a Blackwater operative (I LOVE that word.):
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    BATFE goes postal in Richmond VA

    From in the VCDL Alerts Archive 8/18/05 I missed this one because of a fluke chance. Don't know if I'm glad or sad I missed going. stay safe. skidmark
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    Do you want a used SIG .45? From the July 30, 2005 paper: Town Police Supply of Richmond is located at 3541 Courthouse Road, Chesterfield VA 23832 804-745-6433...
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    research data on LEO shootings - part 1

    Force Science News #23 July 11, 2005 ======================================= The Force Science News is provided by The Force Science Research Center, a non-profit institution based at Minnesota State University, Mankato. Subscriptions are free and sent via e-mail. To...
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    Congress has finally slipped the track - again

    The House of Representatives just passed SJR #12 and sent it to the Senate. As much as burning the American flag makes me ill and see red, I am vehemently opposed to this on so many levels I cannot begin to get them in order and list them inteligently. Here is the Resolution: No matter how...
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    Darn! Now I'm a hero.

    Go here for the beginning of the story. As we resume the tale, the BG has his day in court on the A&B charge. He has an appointed lawyer who wants to ask for a continuance because 1/2 hour ago the BG says he has some...