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  1. D

    Norco Bank Robbery

    We were reliving the past recently. And this came up. If you are familiar with it, it's always good to remember why. If you are not, the first question is can you believe it. And second is can you spot the errors. As it was, basically, a tragedy of errors. dc...
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    NRA RSO Certificate

    NRA RSO Certificate I went down today for my NRA Range Safety Officer certificate. This is a very good all day class, with extensive materials. And an excellent instructor who knows his stuff. He brought an extensive collection of every type, size, make, and model of firearm known...
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    308 Mil Spec v. Commercial

    I have been offered some free .308 that was provided to a sniper who doesn't snipe any more, and thus has no use for it. It was issued by the (US) government. I thus assume it is mil spec. I would only use it in my Savage 11/111 Trophy Hunter. Which should use commercial grade. I have heard of...
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    Does Glock 21 Use GAP

    Does the Glock 21 use acp .45, or gap .45. I don't want to shoot the wrong ammo in someone else's gun. I'm seeing that it uses .45 acp. dc
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    Who Reloads .308 Win?

    The reason I ask, is because I don't. Therefore I am buying brass and have brass left over (after I shoot), which I have decided to collect. If there are reloaders who need brass, this is the proposal I make; I will send you 100 empty brass, used once, unless specified as reloads, you reload...
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    New Savage

    I got out to Burro Canyon today, private range and tried my new Savage 11 TH .308 with the Nikon ProStaff BDC. The scope is a 3x9. The first shot at 50 yards was 1/2 inch off bullseye. So, out of the box, quite accurate. I did find that at 100 yards I am not seeing the target good at all. To...
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    Hunter Turrets

    I purchased yesterday a Savage 11 Trophy Hunter with Nikon 3 9 40 scope. I have a 10 day wait here. But I'm trying to change the turrets. Well, just accommodate them. It has a hunter scope with turrets that are inside and can be turned with a coin or screw driver. I suppose also a tool that...
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    New Rifle

    I want to get a new rifle. Probably new, not used. I want a .308. I would like a wood stock and I think a scope package. That is, a scope that comes with the rifle, rather than buying the scope separate. I want it for target shooting and then deer hunting. I think what I'm most interested in...
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    Mosin Nagant Safety Question

    Should these 91/30s be head spaced before shooting for first time? My neighbor has one and intends to possibly accompany me to the range next week to shoot it. He knows nothing about guns, let alone Mosins. Can safety be determined by observation, or should it be gauged? Thanks dc
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    Stuck Wedge

    1860 Pietta Army 44. I read a real long wedge thread here. No mention of my issue. My wedge (got the gun today, new, Cabelas) has a spring type lock on it. To drive the wedge out, I had to hold the spring lock down. Not easy, but it did not defeat me. I used a hammer to drive a Bic pen top...