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  1. J

    Stephen Camp

    Does anyone know what has happened to Stephen Camp? His website ( and his personal email address ( are gone. Worried, Jack
  2. J

    Recommended way to carry a Glock

    Let's call it "the Plaxico Way": thrust down into your pantswaist. Results almost guaranteed. Ironically, George Patton did the same thing with a 1911, also at a social event, while stationed along the Mexican border in 1916. Don't know if it was locked, but it sure was cocked! And both...
  3. J

    Revolver-as-pistol Dilithium

    When a word loses its dilithium during my adult lifetime, I should be allowed to protest. By the way, would someone remind me what dilithium was? Not making trouble, just -- well, I guess I am, aren't I? Cordially, Jack
  4. J

    Crimson Trace service

    I have Crimson Trace grips on three handguns, so you can tell that I like them. I like the company even more after today. The laser grips on my BHP had been acting cranky recently, so before I went to the range, I replaced the batteries. I got off twenty rounds, and the red dot died. Now and...
  5. J

    Dead animals can getya

    On the news: An Arizona biologist has died of bubonic plague after performing an autopsy on a mountain lion. I don't think many members of this board perform autopsies, but a bunch of you disassemble deer and whatnot at about this time of the year. The symptoms start off sounding like flu --...
  6. J

    About ammo in your home

    I'm a San Diegan and my county has just survived the worst fire storm in California history. My family and home were never directly involved because we live on the south coast. But I currently have about two thousand rounds of range ammo in the garage, plus HD ammo and handguns about the house...