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  1. K

    We need to push for MORE Firearm Rights

    We need the equivelent of incorporating the Second Amendment Rights to the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Act. We need to be pushing for REMOVAL of restrictions that impair our ability to defend one's family, one's self and one's society and nation. Far too long have we allowed certain members...
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    Media Intimidation of Lawful Firearm Owners

    Once again, the liberal media is trying to intimidate us. The offending media Be careful out there. Key elements of the...
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    Did NBC David Gregory commit Felony on Live TV in Washington DC? “DC High Capacity Ammunition Magazines – D.C. Official Code 7-2506.01 (b) No person in the District shall possess, sell, or transfer any large capacity ammunition feeding device regardless of whether the device is attached to a firearm. For...
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    News Flash: "Assault Weapons" already a felony in Conn

    The mainstream media and the politicians are desperately trying to cover this fact up. Posession of an Assault Weapon is already a Felony in the State of Conneticut
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    Thesaurus/Dictionary Bigotry 1 entry found for conservativism. Main Entry: bigotry Part of Speech: noun Definition: prejudice Synonyms: bias, conservativism, discrimination, dogmatism, fanaticism, ignorance, injustice, Jim Crowism, mindlessness...
  6. K

    ATF now accepting Faxed FFL copies

    Thought I would share. I just got the August 2005 FFL newsletter. The ATF now recognizes faxed copies of the FFL. It does "strongly suggest" that you use the FFLeZ check system prior to shipping a firearm.
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    Remington 597 synthetic 20" + Tasco 4X scope

    Just thought I'ld share a good deal. Bass Pro is having a blow out on this combo, $140 While the 10/22 has alot of aftermarket parts.. I think for "right out of the box" the 597 is more accurate. Next time my nephew ( 14 ) comes over.. we'll have some fun ;-)
  8. K

    Converted Saiga carbine

    Thought I would post my (nearly) finished conversion: I love setting up 4 4" targets at 100yards, and go at it- semi-rapid fire. I own many rifles, but this is the most *FUN* this side of a full-auto Here is a list of all parts used in the conversion: Saiga 7.62 16" carbine Gordon G2...
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    Dean on Republicans

    Is this a bitter man or what? "It's pretty much a white, Christian party.."
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    June 6, 1944 D-Day Many brave men died today, to ensure the freedom and salvation of civilization. I give thanks. Semper Fi
  11. K

    Out of State Ammo Purchase?

    I have a question on the legality of ammo purchases. Many internet/mail order places will not ship Ammo to certain states. Assuming it is legal for the individual to own and purchase ammo; is it legal to purchase mail order ammo, and have it shipped to another state?For example, if its legal...
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    Wild Animal Threat List?

    Is there any good sites that show what wild animals are a threat in which area? Locally ( Florida ) I simply carry my .357 snub, as we have no big bears, etc. However, the misses and I are contemplating going on a mix of cross country RV'ing and camping/hiking at various locations along the way.
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    easy/cheap gift shirt

    thought i would pass this on. I know my wife is gonna love this. Free CCI t-shirt [$2 shipping]
  14. K

    DMPS .308 sites?

    Does anyone any good sites for info on the DMPS .308 rifles?
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    Holy Mother Of God!

    Brittan Elementary School in Sutter, California, introduced a scheme last month to use RFID to identify its pupils. The RFID chips are worn around the neck in the form of ID badges and can be used to monitor where the children are on school grounds, and carry the child's name, photo, grade and...
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    Yet Another Liberal Media Lie

    they love to only use a few select quotes.. and totally out of context. Here is what Paul Bremer REALLY said: NEW YORK TIMES OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR What I Really Said About Iraq By L. PAUL BREMER III Published: October 8, 2004 In recent days, attention has been focused on some remarks I've made...
  17. K

    Regular Capacity Magazines

    Assuming the "assault weapons ban" does sunset/end.. what would the status of standard(*) capacity magazines ( i.e. 15/16rounds for most 9mm )marked LE use only be? i.e. would ALL magazines become legal, or only "new" ones? contrary to the liberal media, these are standard/regular capacity...