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    Is More Than 3 Shots Necessary?

    Why does anyone NEED anything more than a J frame, 5 shot S&W revolver for self defense? I know lots of people WANT more ammo, but is it realistic in view of this NYPD study found at which stated: “The average number of rounds fired per...
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    Move Out Of The Way! But Which Way?

    Hi guys, In another thread, I asked about knife vs gun. I think it is a fact that if you do not move in a violent confontation, you will be knifed or shot. Lots of people said move, but where? Let's assume the BGs have their weapons in their right hands. Yah, I know, find cover fast if you...
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    Knife vs Gun

    Hi guys, Situation: Low light conditions. You are in a third world country where they kill people for a $100. You are confronted by three BGs. They are within 6 feet of you. One pulls a knife and says he wants everything you got. You have a concealed handgun. They will eventually discover it...
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    What would you do in this situation?

    Hi guys, I suspect most of us have never encountered a life threatening situation thank God, but some of us have had some close calls - this was my close call. I have been living on a farm in the Amazon for more than 25 years. Some twenty years ago I was visiting a friend at his farm one night...
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    Who's a Member of the Arthritis Club

    Who's got it, where does it hurt, and what do you do about?
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    38 super Glock?

    Will Glock ever make a 38 super in a Nº 25 or Nº28 format?
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    What is a Mall Ninga?

    I don't live in the USA and I don't know this phrase, but I have seen it before in other postings. Greetings from the depths of the Amazon.
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    Colt 1911 38 Super Model O4540XSEE

    I need some advice from some old hands. I plan to buy one new and have it shipped to me in a third world country where I live. When it arrives, I want to enjoy shooting it without problems. Is it without problems "out of the box" or is it better to have a gunsmith do a "reliability package"...
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    What's your favorite 38 special paper puncher?

    Hi guys, I've read that the most accurate 38 Special load is the 148 grain wadcutter at 25 yards. What's your favorite revolver to do this job? Please give the make, model and barrel length. Thanks