Search results

  1. M

    Ruger BlackHawk, your advice?

    I just inherited a New Model Ruger Blackhawk, (6.5 inch barrel). I plan to utilize this gun as my camp pistol and general plinking. Any advise on ammo choices, and front sight mods would be appreciated. (FYI, I live in Arizona, camp pistols should be good against Bears, Cougars, and Illegals...
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    .357 Lever action, what's your favorite?

    I'm shopping around for a Lever action in .357 Mag, what is your suggestion and why? I plan to use this for javelina and general "camp gun" purposes. Why .357? Because i just inherited my grandfathers Blackhawk, and I want a companion rifle in the same caliber.
  3. M

    New/OLD gun

    It's been years since i posted here but i just got a new gun and need info on it. H&R 925 chambered for the .38 SW Plastic wrap around handle. 5 shot. Break action. I can't find any specifics on the .38 SW like round wieght and fps etc. Hell I can't find any info at all... like where to buy...
  4. M

    Moving to Scottsdale Az Next week.

    "All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go... Under my arm there's a .44... Would it make an Arizona policeman cry?...." :D Actually it's a .45 but the questions is the same. Driving a moving van and pulling my truck, from SaltLake to Phoenix. With a CCW. I know Arizona accepts Utah CCW's...
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    Doing the Enemy’s Work.

    Doing the Enemy’s Work. America at War, the first War of the 21st century, the first War to come to America’s Soil in over a hundred years. And a War unlike any fought in the history of mankind. This is not a War of governments or peoples, But a War of cultures and ideals. It is in fact the...
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    Thank you Moderators, Staff and Community

    Being a Gun Geek of limited social skills I spend a lot of time online. I’ve seen some pretty F%^&-ed Up stuff out there. Between the Commercial sites and the Porn Sites there is the Topic site. Sites where someone has taken the time end effort to put together a site about something or other...
  7. M

    Looks like I'm moving to Phoenix Az.

    What's the laws and such down there? Where do you shoot and what? CCW? Registration?
  8. M

    Gun Paranoia on "Simpsons"

    So just a few minutes ago I'm watching the Simpsons. I'm running it with the Closed Captioning on, but I'm still listening to it. At one point Bart steals Lisa's bike and pulls out a ring of Key's to open her lock. He goes though the Ring of keys going, "School, Front door, Back Door, Your...
  9. M

    A few of my thoughts...(long)

    This essay is in regards to a direction the RKBA movement has taken in the last year or so. Especially on this board and others I have noticed. The County has taken a noticeable shift in the last ten years, where the perception of the reality has been altered, by various events until the long...
  10. M

    Yack Alert NY Times on McVeigh

    Check out the Last Half of the Second Paragraph n late 1994, Timothy McVeigh wrote a letter to the American Legion. "Does anyone even study history anymore?" he asked. The word "study" was in capital letters, and the...
  11. M

    How Bill Clinton made me understand that McViegh should live.

    About 10:30 Mountain Time this morning I was going though my Morning Ritual; Cup of coffee, Three Browsers up and Running, One on TFL another on CNN and a third on When a Phrase from Peggy Noonan’s article on England leapt out at me from my normal scan for...
  12. M

    Exposing SF posers.

    Some time ago on this board, or one like it, I saw a link to a Web Page that exposes, Special Forces wannabe-be's. I got a lady friend of mine who's recently hooked up with a real winner. He's 44. Former Marine, Recon (of course), and served in Vietnam but, "Doesn't want to talk about it.". Now...
  13. M

    Uh Oh!

    It just occured to me that I have enough money in the bank to trade in my Colt Compact to buy a Kimber Compact....... And you know what THAT means... Please help talk me outta this!!!
  14. M

    A Tactical Intervention

    I have a friend and a quandary, my good friend you see, is a Gun Nut. Now I’m not talking he’s a gun nut because he likes to shoot and has more than 3 firearms and believes in self-defense and the 2nd Amendment and all. I mean he’s gone Tactical. I’m sure you know the type, body armor, black...
  15. M

    .45 Compacts, Detonics, 230 gn. Hydro-shoks. And UTAH

    And I'm assuming George Hill will be reading this in a minute.... With all this talk about power/penetration, "knock down" etc. I took a look at The Firearms Tactical Institute and noticed they had stats for a Glock 30 shooting 230 grn Hydroshoks...
  16. M

    Looking for sights for a 10/22

    What would you recomend? I don't like the sights it came with and I'v never been to keen on scopes. I understand there is a after market Peep sight.
  17. M

    Heads Up UTAH! (HB 8)

    H.B. 8 Repeal of Utah State Defense Force Act (Hendrickson, N.)was read before the house today. Start calling and writing! There's a link around here somewhere that covers this.
  18. M

    Someone's been playing with my GUNS! (with a AD)

    I was gone for Thanksgiving. Had an ex-girlfriend watch the house. Got back Tues. Weds my ex had asked my about "my new gun". (NAA mini) I asked her about how she found out, and she said a friend had told her about it. Last night as I left the house I went to take my NAA mini. I checked the...
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    Has everyone forgoten what day it is?

    Nov 10? Anyone? Yes the Devil Dog in the Corner.
  20. M

    Good News from Florida.

    Looking at the Fox web page where they have a rolling table of the recounts broken down by county. The Big counties are in and there been a movement for Gore. (+1189). But Bush GAINS another 346! That only a 843 jump for Gore and at least 850 votes still short. Now the rest of the counties...