Search results

  1. N

    Help me zero my AR for Highpower

    I am getting ready for my first highpower match in a few weeks, and while I know how to "battlesight zero" my AR, I'm not sure if that makes sense as the best way to zero for purposes of competition. I will be shooting at 200, 300, and 600 yards. Suggestions?
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    TX CHL's - Don't drop your kids off at school....

    At least, that's waht State Senator Chris Harris would have. Harris has introduced SB00173I: Please contact the state senator from your district and let them know that this is a misguided and dangerous bill! You may also want to contact...
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    First Whitetail!

    First Whitetail! - Pictures added Because my father worked in the oilfield, we traveled and lived overseas a lot when I was growing up, and I never got to hunt as a kid. As such, I only took up hunting as an adult last year. My wife's family has a lot of good deer land up in North Louisiana...
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    AR-15 Brass Catcher

    Can anyone suggest a brass catcher for the AR-15 that actually works as billed? I'm tired of hunting for 15 minutes and still coming up short.... :o
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    Changing Names

    I know it can be done.... I regret my choice of bland persona, and want to metomorphose into a more descriptive one.... To whom must I pray? HL.:confused:
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    Gun Cleaning made Easy!

    Just had to to thank Bob Price and Novum Solutions again for the sample of Blue Wonder gun cleaner. This stuff is amazing. I put 50 rounds through my 308 today, and cleaned it in no time flat! I ran a brush coated in Blue Wonder down the barrel and let it sit for 15 minutes. Then ran 5-6...
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    Do politicians pander to paranoid fanatics?

    The last line of this editorial burned me up so badly I was finally spurred to send an e-mail in defiance. :mad: :mad: :mad: Here is my response (kind of long...): Mr. Mercier; I wish to take offense at the closing statement in your recent piece, "Under the Gun": "While everyone understands...
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    Thinkin' about C&R...

    Ok, so I am going through search engine withdrawl.... I am looking at AIM/SOG/ and thinging about Enfields/MN's/Mausers/etc. and it dawns on me, a C&R ffl would make this so much easier. So, is there a downside to filling out the paperwork and sending off my $30 to the BATF, vs. paying...
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    Price Check - Rem 870 Express

    I saw a "like new" Remington 870 Express 12ga in a pawn shop tonight for $189. Literally looked to me like it had never been fired. Retail on these looks to be around $329. I have been thinking about getting a good "all purpose" 12 guage. Is this a good buy??? :confused: What if I offer...
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    We have seen the militia, and it is us!

    I have been torqued up into a raging fireball today by two seperate things I read. The first was a thread here on a second ammendment conference at my alma mater W&M declaring: Now, I have heard the debate back and fort connecting or disconnecting the first half of the 2ndA from the second...
  11. N

    Blued Semis, Stainless Wheelguns

    For some reason, I can't shake from my head the notion that a Semi should be blued, and a Wheelgun should be stainless. Other than popular culture, and my own prejudice, is there any rational reason for this?
  12. N

    Pistols in Rifle calibers...Why?

    Ok, I saw the thread on rifles in pistol calibers, and had to ask the inverse question. Not sure if it belongs here, or in the handgun forum.... :D but hey, we'll start here. So, why would I want a single-shot handgun in 30.06 or .308, or whatever? Seems like the worst combination of an...
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    Teaching the next generation to shoot.

    I am thinking about the best purchase for teaching my own children to shoot and wonder if a youth rifle is the right purchase. What about getting a 10/22 or the like and cutting down the stock? That way as they grow you can replace the stock and still have a servicable adult rifle. Thoughts? HL.
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    Houston TFL Shoot - Anyone interested?

    Mods: This is a test, approved by Mal. We are trying to get together the Houston bunch for a shoot out at American in the next couple of weeks and wanted to guage interest. We already have a few folks interested from a thread posted in the Live Fire forum, but were hoping to get more interest...
  15. N

    Sugarland/Houston TFL'ers

    Want to guage interest in a Sugarland/Houston TFL shoot. I see lots of activity here from the Sugarland/Houston crowd, and lots of TFL shoots, but no combination.... :confused: Any interest? What about setting something up at American or one of the other local ranges? Interested? HL.:cool:
  16. N

    If you had $22 to spend on a 22lr?

    Ok, I just couldn't resist with all the 22lr talk going on around here! :D :D ;) Academy Sports is selling 10/22's for $139, would I just be stupid not to buy one for plinking? I really think it would be fun.... :p :cool:
  17. N

    Gun Shows/Surplus Ammo

    Any suggestions on what to look for / stay away from in Surplus 308 and/or 303 that can be found at Gun Shows? I have seen on other threads that the Portugese 308 is good, but I am wondering what experience people have had with other variants? Thanks! :)
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    It's a 303, but what is it?

    My father-in-law has a 303 British rifle that he bought from "a buddy" 20 years ago. He has no idea of the origin or manufacurer, and the markings on it are cryptic to me. It resembles the Canadian-made EAL, but is different enough that I doubt it is an EAL. Attached are links to photos, and...
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    To Restore or Preserve Win Mod 94?

    My wife's grandfather has passed on to her a Winchester Model 94 that is by no means a collector's piece (checked the serial # and was made in 1959) but certainly has sentimental value to the family. He is a cattle rancher (yep, at over 80 he still herds over 50 cattle with one part time...
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    Does anyone know what is going on at The site has been down for the better part of a day as far as I can tell. While I spend most of my time lurking around TFL, is a fantastic resource. :confused: :confused: