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  1. T

    Carrying different weapons

    Just a thought. Who carrys different weapons on different occasions that have different manual of arms? When I switched to a 1911 I quite carrying my Beretta 92 at all. They each have a seperate method of operation. The Beretta safety works opposite of the 1911. When the SHTF, one WILL...
  2. T

    Remington 742.

    My dads partner has a .308 Remington 742 he wants to sell. He bought it from a former employee who was short on cash. The partner just has it sitting in a safe. It is about 95%, and seems a nice rifle. I have learned that about 1.5 million were made from 1960 to 1981 in various calibers...
  3. T

    Another noobie

    Hello all, just wanted to say hi. I live near Dallas,TX, served as a LEO in a medium sized S. Texas city for ten years, and am a current PI, Personal Protection Officer (EP) and firearms trainer. I hold a LE instructors certification, and Firearms and Classroom Instructors License for Security...