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  1. R

    another self-defense shooter is cleared

    This was kind of unusual, given the players, and noteworthy coming so soon after the popcorn shooter acquittal. I thought the prosecutor's phrasing was interesting: “In line with our ethical obligations, we cannot overcome the legal justifications of self-defense or defense of others,” she said...
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    on Veterans Day weekend - some thoughts on the citizen army and the 'three percenters'

    So I was just kind of thinking about citizen participation in the military the other day, and reflected on my family. We have been in every war since the Revolution, right up through Afghanistan. A lot of families I know are the same. They normally don't buy drinks when I am around. Having seen...
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    NY Times: "The Rise of the Armed Left"

    An interesting article on how political events have pushed a rise in gun ownership on the left (read the comments - some good, some bad): To keep this forum-safe, I will avoid talking about any political position...
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    Nevada ACLU supports an individual’s right to bear arms
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    bury a rifle

    So occasionally you see threads on SHTF and people mention burying rifles and then digging them up to fight off the black helicopters and blue helmets. I was wondering, purely hypothetically (of course), what would you bury and how would you preserve it? It seemed to me that, since you might...
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    running heavy

    I thought this might be of interest to other runners. I took my new P32 along for a quick 4-miler this morning attached to my running shorts using only the factory clip. With the string firm (but not tight) on my shorts, and the pistol in the 4:30-5:00 position, it stayed right where I wanted...
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    .22 ammunition for Beretta 21

    So it seem that there are two ways to go for self-defense ammunition in a mouse gun. There is the high-speed route, and CCI mini-mags seem to be the way to go here, and then there is the maximum mass route. Aguila makes a subsonic .22 round that has 60 grains of lead, which is twice the mass of...
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    tell me why this is a bad idea

    OK, we know that some attempt to introdude legislation requiring ballistic "fingerprinting" of new weapons will be introduced sometime in the next legislative session. So, why, instead of letting anti-gun forces define the debate, why don't we take the initiative. Now, before you open up with...
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    lever action pain

    Hi, my first post to this forum. I recently picked up a used Winchester 94 and was wondering how to make rapid fire less painful for the lever fingers. The knuckle sides of the two middle fingers seem to take it from the squared edge of the lever. Should I round the inside of the lever or should...
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    new-used 30-30

    I have decided to get a 30-30 lever action rifle, but I am pretty much limited financially to a used one in the $250 range. Can anyone tell me what to look for in a used lever gun? I suspect that I may see both Marlin and Winchester at the local gun store. Thanks!
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    why isn't the 30-30 more powerful?

    Here's a ballistics question for the experts in TFL land. Why doesn't the 30-30 have greater range? Everything I have read tells me that it is no more than a 200 yard cartridge, but I can't understand why more performance can't be drawn from it. I am assuming it is not because there is no more...
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    and we worry about gun ownership restrictions
  13. R

    trap/defense shotgun

    Hey folks, I haven't posted on the shotgun forum, and I reckon this may have been addressed before, but anyway . . . I used to shoot trap when much younger, and am looking to get into it again. I used to shoot a relative's Browning over/under Citori, but I am looking for something a little more...
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    Taurus Tracker or S&W Mountain Light

    So, I was pursuaded by some of the fine folks at TFL that a .357 would make a more appropriate backpacking gun than a .22 magnum (in case I am charged by a mastadon). I have been looking at two 7-shot revolvers: the Taurus Tracker and the S&W Mountain Light. They are priced in the same ballpark...
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    enfield 308/7.62 safety

    Hey folks, a few months ago I purchased a truck gun - an Ishapore 2A Enfield that is chambered in .308. I have recently heard rumor that these guns are only safe using surplus 7.62 military surplus ammo, and that they have had chambers explode using .308 hunting ammo. My question is - is this...
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    backpacking handgun

    Here's one fer ya - I am an avid backpacker and usually bring a handgun. With anyone who's a serious backpacker, weight is everything, and everything from shelter to stove to sleeping bag is as light as possible. At the beginning of a 5-day walk I have been known to cut the handle off my...
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    iron sights on an enfield

    Hey gang, I have a question about what sort of rear sights to put on an enfield 2a. I don't like the rear ladder sight mainly because I can't really see through it very well and have a hard time finding the front blade - the slot is small and mounted very forward on the barrel. I am planning to...