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  1. N

    If only they had a gun by the bed.

    If ever you have to argue the need for having a gun in your house for self defence, read this news article from Britain. I'm sure that the end result...
  2. N

    I like guns

    This you tube video was made in Australia and the Anti Gun crowd is blowing a fuse. Check it out: The full auto scenes were filmed in Thailand, as they are banned in Oz.
  3. N

    No Castle Doctrine in the UK

    I couldn't believe this article when I read it, apparently in the UK you can be charged with carrying an offensive weapon in your own house if you WAVE a knife at burglars. Certainly no Castle Doctrine over there. Even in Australia this would be laughable...
  4. N

    What is a conventional hand gun?

    This is an excerpt from a news report out of America on the Fort Hood shootings: I was not aware that semi-autos were not classed as conventional hand guns. What is a CONVENTIONAL hand gun?
  5. N

    LA Times article on Open Carry

    This article is in the LA Times.,0,849912.story?page=1 I thought this article might be interesting to our members, sorry for no comment guys.
  6. N

    Pro gun movie star

    At least a couple of movie stars are pro gun, check this out.
  7. N

    This is crazy

    I know the English are paranoid about guns and images of guns but I never thought this would happen in the U.S.A.,0,1435143.story
  8. N

    Loonies in Australia

    We have anti gun loonies here in Australia that are equal to any in the world.:D,20797,23598608-3102,00.html?from=public_rss
  9. N

    Media stuff ups

    This happened in Perth, Australia, today. Just wondering if the U.S. media gets it as wrong as the Aussie media?
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    Chain saw oil for guns

    I've read a lot of posts about lubricants for semi autos but have never seen chain saw bar oil mentioned, the sticky stuff. Has anybody tried it? I would think that if any machine needed a good lubricant that would protect under extreme use it would be a chain saw. Any thoughts?
  11. N

    The English are frightened of gun pictures!

    I could not believe it when I saw this news article. As well as banning handguns in the UK, the govt. is now banning movie posters that show guns because they frighten people, can you believe this?
  12. N

    When I die

    Saw this one on another shooting site :D
  13. N

    How not to shoot a .50 cal Desert Eagle

    Check out this video, this is what happens when you "limp wrist"
  14. N

    Tourists and guns

    Can a tourist in the U.S. who is driving around the country, purchase a handgun for SD and then sell it on departure?
  15. N

    Only the English are this crazy

    The British politicians took all the handguns off law abiding citizens now they are taking them off the police, absolutely crazy!