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  1. E

    Central CA Friends of NRA State Dinner Special Drawing Tickets!!! No presence needed.

    Hey everyone, here is your chance to get in on one heck of a drawing. We are only selling 200 tickets and they are $100 each. The first ticket drawn gets their choice of any one of the six available packages! If we sell all 200 tickets, then we will draw two tickets! The drawing will be held...
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    M1 Garand Clip Problems with certain ammo.

    Hey yall, I bought a CMP Garand a while back and when I go to load a clip with the surplus LC ammo I bought from the CMP, I don't think the bolt is flying forward like it should. I have been all careful to avoid Garand thumb, but honestly, the bolt never flys forward. It always stays hung up...
  3. E

    CSI Miami and the 975 yard Urban Sniper with saboted ammo!

    My wife was watching CSI Miami last night while I was cruising TFL. Well it was about this urban sniper that was using saboted ammo so his bullets couldn't be traced to his rifle. I am thinking, that if fine and dandy, just as far as I am aware, .223 ammo that is saboted into a .308 barrel...
  4. E

    Are your guns accessible?

    I just got home from visiting some friends and family. I walk into the house, confident that even though it is dark inside, I am ready because I have the trusty Glock 27 on my hip. Then I take it out of the pants and put it in its case and place it in my nightstand in my bedroom. Suddenly it...
  5. E

    My 2000th Post!

    Yeah this is pretty miniscule in the scheme of things, but this is my 2000th post. How was it possible for me to have so much to say? I guess if you look at my 1999th post, that might explain how I received so many posts. I love it here. Note: When you read this, my counter will most likely be...
  6. E

    How about National CCW Reciprocity? We have Congress and Dubya.

    I was just thinking, how great is it that we have a republican house, senate, and president. Will the issue of national CCW reciprocity suddenly get a boost? I would think that would be nice. I don't plan on traveling out of the PRK anytime soon, but if I do, I would like to be able to carry out...
  7. E

    Test Results for Swiss 7.5x55. 150 gr FMJ and 175 SMKs. IMR 4064, Win 760.

    Ok, well I haven't actually gone out and tested the loads, but I am so stoked about finally loading up that shiney Swiss Brass that Pierre set up for us, I had to post early. Today is a beatiful day outside and I should go test the loads, but I am going motorcycle riding with a friend from...
  8. E

    If you were in a justifiable shooting, how would you tell the TFLers about it?

    I aways wonder if I get in a justifiable shooting where I stop a criminal from harming myself or others, how would I leak it to the TFL crowd. For legal reasons, I am not talking to anyone except my lawyer after a shooting. The police will only hear from me, "I was afraid he was going to kill me...
  9. E

    The media's role in focusing on white van + other disappointments in sniper case.

    Ok, I have lots of questions to run by all of you. First, I was always puzzled how this sniper kept getting past all of these drag nets. Right after they were captured, it was blatantly obvious. For some reason, everyone was looking for a white van or white truck, and most likely they were...
  10. E

    What happens to the 4473's when the FFL goes out of business?

    I bought a gun from the late B&B Sales in North Hollywood. Now that they are out of business, what happened or should have happened to their 4473's? Just curious with all of this new tin foil hattery going around.
  11. E

    Now it is a freedom vs. security debate. Need more info on powder taggants.

    Hey all. Thanks for the info on the powder taggants. Now it is an office wide debate. For a quick refresher go to the original Do the powder manufacturers insert a tag in the podwer for ID purposes? thread. Ok, so the aspiring CSI person at work thinks that there is nothing wrong with taggants...
  12. E

    Do the powder manufacturers insert a tag in the podwer for ID purposes?

    A person I work with has made the claim that all paint and gun powder manufacturers place an extremely small tagant into their products so the manufacturers of the powders or paint can be indentified by microscope. She is a big forensics freak and she has taken a couple of classes. I told her...
  13. E

    Rojo's new color scheme on his 700. Compare.

    After a thread from the past about how my gun was a little too green, I added a little light color paint that my dad bought for painting the speaker on his new coyote caller. Here is what I got. Remington 700 VS "New Lighter Color 1" Remington 700 VS "New Lighter Color 1" This is compared to...
  14. E

    El Rojo gets married in 11 hours.

    Well gang, in 11 hours I will be hitched. That is right, hitched. I was just realizing how I haven't really told any of you, but I figured why not. Sunday I am off for a cruise to Mexico and will be gone for the week. So wish me luck and you are right, I don't know what I am getting myself...
  15. E

    Animal Mother's extra ammo in Full Metal Jacket. .30-06 or .308?

    My fiancee hadn't watched Full Metal Jacket before and part of the prenuptual is that she had to, so we were watching it last night. I got to looking at Animal Mother's linked ammo that was hanging all over him and I noticed, it looked awefully large for 7.62x51 (.308). Expecially the 5 rounds...
  16. E

    A few California gun laws I was not aware of. Comments?

    I was just reading through my California Rifle and Pistol Association "Know Your California Gun Laws" and I found a few interesting ones. If you happen to have a 2002 copy, I will reference the page numbers for you. On Page 16 it states Get this. The answer is..."State law generally does allow...
  17. E

    The idea that you don't need a gun because when your time comes, it comes.

    I have heard a lot of comments lately about people who don't feel a need to be armed because they figure when it is their time to go, it is your time to go. My mother is like this, but not because she is stupid. She is like this because of a firm and strong belief in God and His control over...
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    Night self defense shooting. How many of you have tried it? You might want to.

    I am getting ready to move into my new house, but a friend and I decided we better go shoot our Glocks yesterday evening and take a break from packing. So I figured we could leave a little late and using my tactical lights do some night shooting as well. I live in the boonies, so I can go...
  19. E

    Need info. What is so great about the HK P7?

    I had a coworker ask me if I had any pictures of an HK p7. I guess she is reading a book and one was in it so I said I could probably find a picture. Of course I found one on TFL's link to the firearms library. Part so I can tell her and part so I can know for myself, what is so great about...
  20. E

    You already saw one car hit a cow, do you shoot the next cow you see?

    Ok, here is the situation. I am driving west on Highway 178 in Kern County, PRK. I am on the infamous Kern Canyon road, for those of you who don't know, it is a windy sun of a gun that follows the deadly Kern River from Lake Isabella to Bakersfield. The time is 2115-2130 hours, so it is dark. I...