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  1. M

    Woman sexually assaulted less than a block from my apartment!!!

    :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Even in the best, most crime-free cities, you still get scumbags. Thankfully, I'm not a prime target since I'm male, but still, we're talking about a suspect who has raped a dozen women and killed one. All I can say is that if I ever encounter a rapist...
  2. M

    Krav Maga: Opinions?

    While surfing around and looking for another martial art to get into, (I've previously done a little judo, karate, Tae Kwon Do, boxing, Aikido - I'm no black belt in any of the above.) I've found after studying these arts that most martial arts are more art than martial. That's not necessarily a...
  3. M

    Magazine spring binding on Moss. 590A1

    The last two times I went to the range to fire my evil black assault shotgun, when I load the magazine to full capacity (8 shells), the spring will somtimes bind up. I'll fire the first shot, then rack it, and no shell springs out of the magazine. When I clear the chamber and look, I see that...
  4. M

    Maglite defensive techniques?

    I just picked up a 4 D-cell Maglite, after reading Ayoob's The Truth About Self Defense. He recommends such flashlights because they do a convincing imitation of a medieval mace or lead pipe. What are the proper techniques for defensive use of a Maglite? I know that it's a good idea to hold...
  5. M

    Proper usage of sling?

    I don't know what the correct way is to carry a shotgun with a sling, and how to switch from carry position to firing position. This is using an Uncle Mike's Ultra Sling, though I also want to know how to use a 3 point tactical sling.
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    Can't find any public shooting ranges in Ft. Collins, CO

    I've looked everywhere! I tried Googling, asking at gun shops, etc., and the best I could find were a couple private clubs that have reached their membership caps, so I'd have to go on a waiting list for months before I could join, and I found some public ranges in Denver, but that's too far...
  7. M

    Stock + Pistol Grip: Good? Bad? OK?

    After shooting and dry-firing my Mossberg 590A1 (excellent gun), I'm having problems getting a good grip on it. Since I'm left eye dominant, I find that it's much easier for me to shoot left handed, but my left arm is screwed up. I can't turn my hand palm up, so it is very difficult for me to...
  8. M

    Customization for my Mossberg 590A1 BOOMSTICK!!!

    I just picked up my brand new Mossberg last Saturday, and went out to the Pawnee Grasslands to test it out. Works just fine, but I'm finding that the stock is too long for me. I have to reach a bit for my right hand to reach the trigger, and my left hand can barely reach the slide. Additional...