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  1. M

    cutting a ringed load??

    i remember reading about this in some publication a long time ago and never tried it out i was wondering if anyone ever has??you take regular shotgun shell ,say bird shot#6 or what have you. and with sharp knife cut into shell ,near the wad section,90 degreses to shell, so that shell is held...
  2. M


    i have rio 00 buckshot both mag & LR,its good ammo and cheap too. would like to get some rio LR slug they show it on rio website but so far i cant find anyone that sells it.i usually get mine from Ammo to go but they dont carry it i have e-mailed them saying i would buy case of 250 (best way to...
  3. M

    MG shoot in OKLAHOMA!!

    its that time again folks when us okies are allowed to cut loose once a year and shoot anything in front of us!!yes its OFASTS again,3rd weekend in june our MG shoot wayyyy up in NE oklahoma where dumocrats fear to tread!!ill be there spraying bullets and buckshott & slug!!anyone needs more info...
  4. M


    its that time again folks when us okies are allowed to cut loose once a year and shoot anything in front of us!!yes its OFASTS again,3rd weekend in june our MG shoot wayyyy up in NE oklahoma where dumocrats fear to tread!!ill be there spraying bullets and buckshott & slug!!anyone needs more info...