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    Almost Headline--Cop Killed by Four-Year-Old

    Crazy situation. Very lucky the cops were able to realize how young the child was......... Otherwise they might have shot the kid and another crazy can of worms would have been opened up...
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    Using Shotshells in Rifled Barrel Shotgun

    Can you shoot regular lead shot in shotguns with rifled barrels? Some say it will permanently foul the rifling and ruin the barrel for sabots. So.......what's the full story on this?
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    Cold Barrel sight in--Or Hot Barrel?

    New Ruger Ranch Rifle with scope. First two shots a couple inches low and left. Then everything is right on in a nice, tight group. And stays that way. So is it best to sight in for cold barrel or hot barrel???
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    Did I Get a Deal?

    I just spent a little over $1200.
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    What's the Latest on the CZ527 Carbine in .223?

    Picking one up like new in box on Monday. Now.......I've heard a lot of good things but Google also delivers a few pretty negative posts. Some are quite old. So, what's the latest? I'm not worried about scope mounting, I can deal with that, but I'll probably get an aperture sight put on...