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    Lube Solution: Attn: Brainiacs

    I like Break Free and have used it for years but I have always had a problem getting it on rails or hard to get at places. I think I have found a solution and would like some opinions. I went to a sewing machine shop and bought a plastic container with an extendable spout which is very small...
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    Laser Range Finder

    I am interested in getting a laser range finder. I am looking at the 800 yard ones. Does anyone have any experience with them? Are they accurate? Are they rugged? How about battery life?
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    Winchester 9mm Ammo

    Milwall is currently advertising WInchester USA 9mm 115 FMJ for 109.00/case. Product code is USA9MMVP. Is this the regular white box stuff or some lesser grade? I assume it is standard pressure. Anyone have any experience with this ammo?
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    No More Gun Rags For Me

    So I was at the grocery store looking over the magazines and was planning on buying one. Interesting article in one by Clint Smith which told of the characteristics of his students at Thunder Rance for the past decade. Looked good, decided to buy it when I noticed it was $5.00. $5.00 for...
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    Walther TPH

    I have a TPH which I carry for concealed carry when no larger firearm is an option. Those of you with a TPH well know its capabilities and after you get it right, its reliability. Mine is "right." Using CCI Mini-Mags its function is perfect. Its very fast, accurate and goes anywhere. I...
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    Mastering the J-Frame

    I have a S&W model 442. A great little revolver, high quality and amazingly concealable in my Kramer front pocket holster. I understand that the 125 grain Nyclad load is a good one and I practice with 130 grain military ammo. My problem is that my ability to achieve results similar to those I...
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    Hype-o-rama: Springfield with Flashlight

    Springfield has apparently released a new model based on its Mil-Spec. The new one has an extended dust cover with a rail for attaching gizmos like a flashlight. Flashlights have been available to mount on sidearms for about a decade so what makes this worthy of all the hype? About every gun...
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    J Frame Trigger Job

    I have a S&W 442 and really am impressed with its ability to carry concealed. I think it offers more security than any mouse gun, however, in firing this pistol, the trigger is more than I like, its long. Would a trigger job help... how much? or should I just train more with what I have?
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    Browning FN49

    Apparently these semi-auto's are Browning's answer to polymer. Looking like a cross between a Sigma and a Glock I was wondering if anyone had any experience with them. Currently they are being advertised for under $300. Has any Departments purchased these guns?
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    Rugged Watch

    I need a rugged watch. My G-Shock which I have had nearly ten years fell to a dead battery. I know I could probably get a new battery but I don't want to break any seals and this watch will be in the water a lot. My question for you is this, "Is the G-Shock still the most rugged and the best...
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    Glock 26 Pocket Holster?

    I have carried a S&W442 in a Kramer Horsehide front pocket holster for several years. Recently I have elected to replace it with a Glock 26 and need some recommendations for a front pocket holster. Whats your recommendations?
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    Why would I want a Laser on my SW442?

    Are they all hype or do they serve any useful CCW purpose?
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    WWII German Ammo

    Does anyone know how hot the Germans loaded 9mm during WWII? What about the Allies? The reason I am asking is I would like to try and match the ammo to my WWII German High Power.
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    WWII Ammo

    Welcome Harley. Do you know the weight in grains and the velocity of German, English, Canadian or other WWII 9mm ammo? Realizing it was all hardball, how does it compare to the current stuff.