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    Gunkid Busted!

    John Melvin Davis, AKA Gunkid has been busted by the feds. More here.
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    Update on Patricia Konie and Ashton O'Dwyer

    To: National and State Desk Contact: Ashton R. O'Dwyer, Jr., 504-561-6561 NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 14 /U.S. Newswire/ -- A New Orleans woman is recovering from surgery this week from injuries resulting from when she was roughed-up by authorities who forced her to leave her home a week after...
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    Old Colt Revolver Question

    On old Colt wheelguns, such as the Police Positive, there is a hole running through the knurled end of the ejector rod. I figure this hole must have a purpose, but can't figure it out. Anyone know?
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    Suit Filed to Halt New Orleans Gun Seizures

    Both the NRA and SAF want to speak with people who had guns confiscated. In preparation for further lawsuits over gun confiscations both groups are looking for people who actually had guns confiscated. If you have personally had a gun confiscated in Louisiana since Hurricane Katrina hit, please...
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    LaPierre Bearing Down............

    "Of any news story since New Orleans became the first venue in America to disarm its peaceable citizens house by house--at gunpoint--nothing brought home the sheer terror of it all more than two broadcast video segments: one on ABC News and another on Fox News Channel. Opening with scenes of...
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    Band of neighbors survived Hurricane Katrina, then fought off looters.

    A bit old, but nonetheless interesting. Armed militia protects its New Orleans neighborhood Band of neighbors survived Hurricane Katrina, then fought off looters. By Bob Dart WASHINGTON BUREAU Saturday, September 10, 2005 NEW ORLEANS -- The Algiers Point militia put away its weapons Friday as...
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    Disaster Can’t Destroy Gun Rights...The NRA Takes a Stand

    Disaster Can’t Destroy Gun Rights Monday, September 12, 2005 National Rifle Association leader Wayne LaPierre slammed New Orleans authorities Monday for seizing legal firearms from lawful residents. "What we’ve seen in Louisiana - the breakdown of law and order in the aftermath of disaster...
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    Two Jefferson Parish officers arrested for looting

    Thursday, 7:25 p.m. By Michelle Hunter East Jefferson bureau Two Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office correctional officers were among the 226 people arrested in Jefferson Parish since Hurricane Katrina made landfall. Cynthine Adams, 48, and Menekia Humphry, 29, no addresses available, were booked...
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    Back from New Orleans

    Mike, Claude and I got back home from New Orleans this afternoon. We left home on 8/31 with the intention on helping the evacuation effort. We had hoped to join in with the Red Cross, since our skills were needed. We were two nurses and a surgeon. We could not find the Red Cross. We did find two...
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    Headed for New Orleans

    Myself, another nurse and a surgeon are leaving for New Orleans tonight with DHH. We expect to be at Baton Rouge by morning. FWIW, we will all three be going armed, and carrying openly, even though our mission is humanitarian. For anyone interested, my choice is my old 1911 and three extra...
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    Would you shoot?

    In this thread, a shooter who is indeed a hero used his concealed gun to stop a stabbing and save a woman's life. Unfortunately, in so doing, he commited a fourth degree felony just for having his gun on the premises. In this situation, if you were seeing a stranger viciously attacked, and...
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    5 inch S&W Pre-Model 10 M&P

    I think I scored today. I found a 5 screw 5 inch M&P with all numbers matching wearing the original grips. It's kind of rough, but checks out well using Mr. March's Revolver Checkout. It looks to have been fired very little, but it has a bit of the rust bug attacking it. I have it soaking in ATF...
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    Carry Gun Challenge

    Over at "another forum" there is a thread where a few folks, myself included, were bold enough to take out our grungy old carry guns, and snap a few pics without even wiping the lint off. The results yeilded a fascinating display of pictures. So with that in mind, How about whooping out your...
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    Extreme Walter Mitty Scenerio

    Step through the looking glass for a moment..... Today while I was out making my rounds, I had a thought. Suppose Osama Bin Laden himself crossed the border into the United States. Let's say he was camping out in the Arizona desert trying to stay under the radar and set up a terrorist training...
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    Savage 87A questions........

    I recently came into a Savage 87A .22 rifle. The rifle has no serial number (and no place looking like it was removed) and is complete. It shoots well. I am wondering about when these rifles were made, and an approximate value. I cannot seem to find it in any reference books. I figure it's worth...
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    Permit Holder Loses Pistol in Road Rage Incident

    Cops seize gun shown by driver By JEFF MILL, Middletown CROMWELL -- A driver was arrested Wednesday evening after he allegedly brandished a 9 mm handgun at another driver who had followed him off Route 9 to complain about his driving. However, the suspect told police he only drew the gun for...
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    Savage 67H anyone own one?

    I'm considering a Savage 67H for $129. It seems to be a decent gun, but I'm unfamiliar with the Savage line and can't find much online or in my reference books. Does anyone own one and/or know any points to watch out for when buying this gun used?
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    What's the problem with doing a FFL transfer?

    Reading through some of the archived threads it struck me how many gunstores apparently don't want to make money doing transfers. They would rather potentially lose a return customer, and lose the money they could make off a transfer fee based on the belief that refusing to do a transfer will...
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    Am I nuts? Another S&W Model 10!

    Another S&W Model 10-5 followed me home today. It was in just to good a shape to let languish on a pawnshop shelf for $179. All matching, maybe half a box of ammo through it and sock-drawered afterwards for 40 years. I figured it needed some exercise! It's my second 10-5. Am I crazy?
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    Al Qaeda Training Manual

    The manual on the DoJ website was located by the Manchester (England) Metropolitan Police during a search of an Al Qaeda member's home. The manual was found in a computer file described as "the military series" related to the "Declaration of Jihad." The manual was translated into English and...