Search results

  1. L

    DVD Training?

    Does anyone have experience with the training DVDs from "Concealed Carry University" by Patrick Kilchermann? A set of DVDs supposedly to educate the viewer (from novice to accomplished) in the why and wherefors of concealed carry, preparation, mindset, equipment choice, conduct before, during...
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    New kid on the block (Chronograph, that is)

    New kid on the block (Chronograph, that is) I have been looking at the various $50 to $100 radar devices used for measuring velocity of paintballs, arrows, baseballs, golf balls, etc. If they could measure accurately enough and in the velocity range of bullets rather than velocity range of...
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    Press vs hand priming

    Well, this shows the dangers of depending on my memory for bookmarks, footnotes and references. But I did find one that looks familiar. It seems like it would be simplicity itself to provide a gravity-feed into a ram prime. It would be far easier than the feed that hand primers use, since...
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    2nd Amendment and 9/11

    On the twelfth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, let us consider the hastily formed militia aboard UAL Flight 93 which stopped a terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol (the most likely target). Though disarmed (aboard aircraft), doesn't this ad hoc militia exemplify the Second Amendment...
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    B/C Gap Blast

    With all the (apparently) first-time gun owners, some words of caution may be warranted. There are many ways to injure one's self with a firearm, most of them obvious, but the barrel/cylinder gap is not always so. I was present when a fellow was teaching his girlfriend how to shoot. She was...
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    Rounds per hour: Sustained vs Cyclical rate

    Rounds per hour: Sustained vs Cyclical rate Just for curiosity's sake and for another thread I discussed the production rate achievable and commented on the claims of some loaders of excess of 250 rounds an hour on Lee's Turret Presses. That's doable. But can you keep it up indefinitely...
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    Lee Pistol FCD the virtue and the vice

    Thanks to blazerbowe for sharing his question on his thread: The post-sizing feature of the Lee Pistol FCD (Factory Crimp Die) would "cure" blazerbowe's problem (the virtue). This, according to Lee Precision, is the principal reason for the...
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    44 Redhawk with barrel scallops for scope

    I have wanted to have a 44 Redhawk with telescopic sight that does not overhang the hammer and finally found one on an auction site for about $520 with no scope, but having scope rings and the scallops for mounting the rings on the top rib of the barrel. Is that a good price? Any advice you...
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    How do you mete powder?

    How do you mete powder? Dipper only Dipper, then scale and trickle up to weight Measure only (not mounted on press) Measure, then scale and trickle up to weight Measure mounted on press Scale or scale and trickler only Electronic Dispenser If you please, would you estimate how many rounds a...
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    Why I disdain Lee Tools

    Or any other maker's tools, for that matter. There are some members who issue blanket opinions on how bad some makers' equipment is, condemning entire product lines without offering evidence. I challenge these members to share their evidence and reasoning along with something indicating their...
  11. L

    Budget Beginning Bench you will never outgrow, for the novice handloader.

    Budget Beginning Bench you will never outgrow, for the novice handloader. Bold subject line, eh? Let me qualify it down. I load for handgun only; 5 calibers, about 100-400 rounds per session and fewer than 5,000 rounds a year. I stow my gear in toolboxes when not in use. If this comes close to...
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    Caliber changes - how much cost in time and money?

    I have had occasion lately to wonder what it takes to change calibers, depending on what kind or brand of press. Single stage presses, of course, changing calibers is zero dollars (over the price of the dies and one shell holder) Turret press caliber swaps is the same as a single stage unless...
  13. L

    Use what type of scale?

    Use what type of scale? I have seen several discussions over the past couple of weeks, especially new handloaders deciding what to buy. I hope to get some light shed on the subject from viewpoints other than mine with the idea of getting the reasoning behind the choices. Said reasoning geared...
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    Civilian Tactics in this (real) situation:

    Scenario: You are a civilian, legally carrying a concealed firearm. You are exiting a store and you hear shots right outside, but not in sight. You see people running and ducking behind cover (which tells you the direction of the threat). You recall that when you entered the store that...
  15. L

    Minimal start-up cost, first class setup.

    Since hindsight is 20-20, I thought I would share what I figured out recently when I repopulated my loading bench. This is just one man's recommendation for an absolute minimum loading setup for 1) a novice just starting out 2) which is upgradeable at minimal waste to a really good system...
  16. L

    Compatible? Pro Auto-Disk and Classic Turret

    I am ordering a Lee Classic Turret and wanted to get the Pro Autodisk (for it's superior powder hopper among other things) to use on press. One tcheck at Factory Sales (Lee's marketing arm) tell me the Pro will not work on the Classic Turret. I also wanted to get the upgrade kit for one of my...
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    Locked up Smith (not the ILS)

    My friend and I came back from the range today very disappointed. His Smith & Wesson X-Frame would not open the cylinder. The cylinder release would not budge one iota. It was like it was welded in place. We are pretty sure it is not caused by the ejection rod unscrewing. We tried to hold...
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    Testimonial for Lee Safety Prime?

    Does anyone have any first-hand experience with the Lee Safety Prime system they use on the current model of the Classic Turret press? How positive is the feeding? I loaded on RCBS Jr and Rock Chucker pressses (with the primer feed tube you had to load up by hand and then manually operate on...
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    Ammo? for .357 Mag Winchester 110 Gr PD

    I have heard good things about the stopping power of the 125 grain Winchester Silvertips. I saw some 110 grain .357 Magnum Winchester loads labelled "Personal Defense". Does anyone know anything about these? Particularly with regard to Overpenetration through a person. Overpenetration...
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    To mount or not to mount? (William Shakey Spear)

    To mount or not to mount? (William Shakey Spear) I have recently been prompted to question my thinking on weapons-mounted lights and using them. If I found myself with my light/laser equipped gun and no other light, would I slip the light off the gun to use independently, or leave it on the...