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  1. H

    Dry-Firing: Snap-caps?

    I was wondering if the majority of you put snapcaps in before dryfiring your revolvers. I understand doing this for the hammer-mounted pin revolvers, but what about the newer revolvers? I was wanting to break in my 642 trigger some more by dry-firing. Is this okay, in your opinion, without going...
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    Cowboy Action Starter (Vaquero?)

    Recently I've been considering the fun of cowboy action shooting. I understand that there are some competitions in my area and I'm always looking for an excuse to buy a new gun and start a new hobby. I would like to find a gun to practice with that is not too expensive. Also, I love revolvers...
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    Recommendations for Hunting in WV

    I was never big into the wheelguns, until recently when I purchased a GP100 4". I have had a S&W 442, but I became hooked when I felt the heavy, larger revolver. I am from WV and hunt, so the next logical question came to mind. What would be a good large frame to start with for the game in WV? I...
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    Winchester 37 Help

    I'm in the process of refinishing my grandfather's 37 that he gave me when I was 12. It has been a good gun, but I would like to spruce it up a bit. I have stripped and sanded and then polished the barrel. The road block came with taking the stock from the action. What tool is needed to remove...
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    HELP - Getting M1 from CA to WV ?

    I need to know the best way to get an M1 Carbine from California to West Virginia. My grandfather is a retired Marine who "aquired" the carbine while on a visit to Vietnam. He has recently had to go to an assisted living facility due to failing health. My father is out in CA right now and...
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    Cheap Online Ammo

    I know this has been talked about before but what are the best sites to get cheap ammo? I was looking to spend my next pay check on ammo. I want a trustworthy site that provideds good prices and service (decent delivery time). Thanks
  7. H

    Pro-Gun Stimulus package projects?

    Saw this on Phil Valentine's web site where he breaks down the stimulus spending. There is a lot of money going to building shooting ranges (21 being built or renovated, if my counting was correct). True most of them are for police, but there are a hand-full that...
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    Castle Doctrine Used on Drunk Fla. Man

    Florida 24 year old man was apparently drunk and entered the wrong home. 61 year old home owner shot the man twice. Hopefully the homeowner will be protected under Florida's Castle Docterine/Stand your Ground Law, because he had no idea who the person was and why he was in his home...
  9. H

    Gun Prices Coming Down?

    In this "post election" era, are prices of guns ever going to come down? Still don't see any EBRs at the gun stores and Buds Guns is sold out. Will this continue for at least the next four years even if no ban makes it through Congress? Is there any hope of having reasonably priced ARs? I...
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    Which 1911...DW or S&W?

    I am currently debating my next purchase. I want a 1911 and have narrowed it down to a S&W or Dan Wesson. Please give me some reasons to help me make my final call.
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    Trasferring M1 Carbine from California to West Virginia

    With the possibility of an permanent assault weapons ban, I am trying to plan ahead. I live in West Virginia and my paternal grandfather lives outside San Deigo. He was a career Marine and saw combat in Japan and Korea earning two Purple Hearts. While in Korea he took an Inland M1 Carbine...
  12. H

    Positioning of weapon while driving, what do you do?

    This may have already been touched on in the past but... While driving tonight I got to thinking about how (with my seatbelt on) it would be hard (near impossible) to clear my holser. I wear a CrossBreed SuperTuck IWB at 3:30-4 strong side. When I am not wearing my holster, the gun usually...
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    40 Reasons to ban guns (long but good)

    40 reasons to ban guns..... 1. Banning guns works, which is why New York, DC, & Chicago cops need guns. 2. Washington DC's low murder rate of 69 per 100,000 is due to strict gun control, and Indianapolis' high murder rate of 9 per 100,000 is due to the lack of gun control. 3. Statistics...
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    May be a stupid question

    You all think that there is any chance that the assault weapons ban this time will not effect hi-cap pistol mags? Any way we could conceed "assault weapons" and still maintain our hi-cap pistols? I think that that is the part of the AWB that I dread them most, the standard 10 rd pistol mags...
  15. H

    Update: CrossBreed STD

    Wanted to let everyone know how impressed I have been with my CrossBreed STD. Took my order online, very simple ordering system and they honor paypal which I like, and responded with a quick conformation email that they received my order. I got my new super tuck deluxe that fits both of my...
  16. H

    National Geographic Guns Special

    I watched a good bit of the recent National Geographic show about guns in America. I was disgusted, to say the least. The only use of a weapon other than by drug dealers and other criminals was by the guy in Texas that killed those two fellas for breaking into his neighbors house. My...
  17. H

    Bedding Mini-14

    "The first modification was a complete bedding of the rifle - action, slide channel, everything - if it could be filled with Accraglas Green, it was. Even under the slide channel." I read this on another forumn and it is supposed to immediately imporve the groups to 2.3". How would i do this...
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    Mini-14 for Coyote

    Just wanted to know what everyone though about using a scoped Mini for coyote. The only rifles I could use would be my Mini 14 or 30-06 for the day hunting then 10/22 or shotgun for night. 30-o6 would be a little expensive. I took my scope off of my Mini a few years ago and wanna put another...
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    CCW Holster for M&P

    Got a question about M&P9C. Switching from my Galco COP outside the waistband holster and want to find a nice IWB. I want the part against my hip to be leather, i would prefer the snaps/clips to be wide set from the holster to provide a thinner concealment, and was thinking about a tuckable...
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    Price Check - Norinco AK .223

    Wanted to see what everyone thought about this. My good friend is willing to sell me his Norinco AK NHM 90 (I think) for $475 with birdcage flash suppressor and 5 30 round mags so he can get a Glock 20. The bayonet lug was filed off as it came through Canada and the model number and serial...