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  1. D

    Any experts on how magazines function?

    I have a Mini-14 and several PMI 30 round magazines. These are considered the good magazines. In thousands of rounds, I have never had a malfunction. I noticed recently, while manually cycling some rounds through the gun with PMI mags I have not tested yet, that some of the rounds would have...
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    Winchester AA - which version for dove/quail?

    I have heard many good things about Winchester AAs over the cheap bargain shells. I want to pick up some for dove/quail hunting. They have a light target and a handicap heavy target. Which would be best for hunting? Thanks, Dave
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    M96 Grip question

    I am thinking about buying the M96 in Cali. The socialists won't let us have a deadly pistol grip. Whatever. Robinson arms won't sell the grip because they want to stay out of hot water. Makes sense. I am not going to put a grip on it while I am here. I plan to leave to free America...
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    870 - sport forend vs. tactical forend?

    I just bought a new wood stocked 870 with a 28" barrel. I plan to buy an 18" barrel for HD. It will be a dove gun and a defensive gun. I want to order a synthetic stock set. Which forend is better? You can get the sport style or the shorter defense style like on the police version. Does...
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    My DRC custom Mini-14

    I just received back two of my Mini-14s that DRC customized. The workmanship is awesome! And, the test targets he shot at 50 yards are sub one inch! He said he just used cheap mil surplus for the test. I will take them out this weekend. Man, the trigger on both guns feel awesome. I will post...
  6. D

    Mini-14: Eagle 10 round mag (pic attached) - anyone tried this?

    I just got a new mag to try in the quest to find a near 100% reliable Mini-14 10 round magazine. Has anyone else any experience with this mag? I can't test it for a few weeks.
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    DRC Custom - Shorten Mini-14 barrel to improve accuracy?

    DRC Custom claims that the last 2" of the barrel on a Mini-14 causes most of the accuracy problems. This is due to a sloppy bore diameter in most barrels and to reduce barrel whip. Has anyone sent their gun to them to have the barrel cut back? How did it work? Thanks, Dave
  8. D

    Benelli 4 round mag extension will not work - help.

    I have an M1S90 Field. I bought the factory 4 round magazine extension kit #80155. After installing it, the magazine holds a total of 4 shells! With this extension it should hold 7. The first thing that strikes me is that the spring included in the kit is LONG. Really long. I am sure the...
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    The myth of the lone fighter during an urban SHTF scenario.

    During the next societal breakdown, your survival will depend more on your ability to form an improvised defensive team with your friends and neighbors than any gun or cool gear you own. I personally believe we will see much larger events than the Rodney King riots in the future. Deep down...
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    SKS tactical questions?

    I'm sorry. I put the word "tactical" in the subject line to get people to read the post. A couple questions for the SKS experts: 1. How fast are they to load with the stripper clips? As fast as a Garand? 2. Can you easily top off the magazine? 3. Would you consider yourself at a huge...
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    .223 for civilians - MYTH

    Because the .223 round tumbles does terrific damage to soft tissue, thousands of AR15s have been sold as the ideal civilian SHTF weapon. Pure marketing. Unfortunately, you would be better off with a full powered .308/30-06 round. Here is why. 1. In combat, people hide behind things. A...
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    Man size target - MYTH

    There are so many myths among the gun owners. Here is one of my favorites. - If a gun can hit a man size target at 100 yards, is sufficient for combat" Wrong. Accuracy is important. When the shooting starts, people hide behind things. No one just walks out in the open. Most of the time...
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    Clean Garand after 24 rounds or not?

    I took my Garand with a couple other rifles to the range. I only fired 3 clips to test the new LC66 ammo from CMP. I normally meticulously clean all my rifles after a trip to the range. Of course, I don't ever take the gas cylinder off. However, after so few rounds, would you break down...
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    Reassembling my Stoeger .22 luger - Help!

    I disassembled my Stoeger .22 luger for routine cleaning for the first time. This is an old gun manufactured back in the 70's. However, when I put it back together, the trigger does not work. There appears to be a transfer bar that attaches to the trigger and goes back to the sear. But, for...
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    Kalifornia - Will the AR180B be legal for sale?

    This is for the ocuppied territory of Kalifornia, when the AR180B becomes available, do you think it will be sold in Kali? If the rifle is sold without the evil pistol grip, it would be no different than the Mini-14. Since it is not an AR or AK clone, it fires friendly bullets and is not a...
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    Talon M2 ball - Safe in Garand?

    I have some 30-06 Talon M2 ball ammo I purchased several years ago. I had short cycling problems with it in my Garand. I have heard that it uses powder that is WC852 and bad for your Garand. Does anyone know if this is true?
  17. D

    Mini-14: Make your own factory 10 round mags!

    As they said in the stock commercial, "It's time to put some lipstick on this pig." Everyone agrees that the factory 5 round mags make the Mini a very reliable gun. I did an experiment and found a way to sort of banana clip two together. It is very sturdy and fast to switch between the two...
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    Test your legal knowledge - High cap mag bans...

    CA, MD, NY, HI and other occupied states have a variety of blatently unconstitutional laws. As a result it is illegal for the inmates of these once great states to import certain so-called high capacity magazines. My question - If the magazines were shipped from a free state (AZ,WA,NV,UT,OR...
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    5 round Winchester trapper vs. 5 round Mini-14 for defense

    I live in occupied Kalifornia. I have a friend that would like some advise on buying a defensive carbine. I am confident he can learn to use whatever I recommend. I will personally take him to practice. My question is, due to the stupid magazine limitations in this state, would he be...
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    My ordeal with the Mini-14 - Pure agony

    I bought a Mini-14 about 9 months ago. It continually failed to extract spent shells. I won't go into all the details. However, it was not the ammo, dirty chamber, dirt under the extractor... Over several months, I sent it to Ruger 4 times. I had to deal with the most rude, slow and...