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  1. K

    M1 Garand vertical stringing.

    The answer to this question may be in the archives, but my phone isn't letting me search at the moment. i had a problem with vertical stringing in my Garand and discovered that the little pin holding the barrel yoke(?) in place was missing. Replacing it made the groups go from 6"h x 3"w (@50m)...
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    Speed Loader types

    Does someone make a speed loader designed to release the fresh rounds from the loader when the center knob is pushed instead of twisted? Just seems like it would be faster, and conserve a lot of motion.
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    8x57mm Mauser shooters near D/FW metromess.

    I'd like to hear from someone who owns, shoots, and reloads for 8x57mm Mauser, and live in or near the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. I have a question about reforming .30-06 based cases to 8x57mm, and would value advise from someone who knows how to do it. If you don't live near me, but know the...
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    San Bernardino Incident

    As I write this, there is an active shooter situation in San Bernardino, CA, near the Municipal Golf Course. They report 20 persons shot, 12 dead. THREE active shooters, all armed with rifles (they did NOT say ASSAULT rifles. YET.), body armour and other PPG. SWAT team(s) deployed, but no...
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    DeSantis L-GAT SLIDE Holster

    Is anyone familiar with this holster? Own it? Used it? KNEW someone who owned or used it? Wondering what customers are saying about it.
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    Shotgun Mag Extensions.

    Are tubular magazine extensions made for the Franchi AL48 and the Browning A-5? I hold out a faint hope that one of the Benelli extended mags might fit onto the Franchi (Pre 1988). As for the Browning, I've no idea what might fit what. I'll end up using one of them to delve into 3-Gun, and the...
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    Dana Loesch NRA TV commercial lampooned

    Dana Loesch is a 2nd Amendment advocate, Fox News Channel contributor and Author (Hands Off My Gun), who did an "I am the NRA" T.V. commercial. The commercial was subsequently parodied in a way that I find singularly unfunny and reprehensible by one of her frequent detractors, a blogger...
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    I can't be the only one to have experienced this...

    When reloading .223 brass, I find happy matches between almost any make of brass (except Federal) and almost any make of primer (except Federal). I sort my cases by headstamp, but occasionally, a Federal case will sneak into a batch of something else. When I try to seat a primer (NOT made by...
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    Please educate me about outside neck turning vs. inside neack reaming

    When a smaller bore bottle neck case must be made from a larger bore case, I can readily imagine that the case neck can thicken enough to cause bullet seating/chamber pressure problems, etc. It appears that the remedy for this is to remove some of the brass at the neck to thin it. Unless I'm...
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    MORE reforming tales of woe

    I'm using Lee 8x57mm dies, and a mix of commercial and military .30-06 brass. It APPEARS to me that I've bumped back the shoulders the right amount, and I believe I've trimmed to the requisite length (57mm +1mm), but the bolt won't close on the reformed cases. I have 22 cases that started life...
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    THIS JUST IN! Geraldo Rivera "invents" .40 cal "service revolver"

    Feel free to move this to a forum in which it is more appropriate, but I couldn't find one. It seems Geraldo Rivera is in the gun-inventing business. Just got a news report on the (USUALLY excellent) Fox News Network. Our man Geraldo was reporting on the previous run-ins with law enforcement...
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    Xtreme PLATED Hollowpoints

    Has anyone shot any of the Xtreme plated hollow points into wetpack or ballistic gelatin? I'm wondering if they expand easily, not so easily, or not at all. CAlibers of interest are 9x19mm (115 and 124 grains) .357 (any weight) and .45 (any weight, but especially 250 grains). Thanks in advance.
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    "Cognitive Flatulence" in progress...

    Please help me out, fellas. There's a type of gunpowder making the rounds that (I believe) is made either in Spain or perhaps Belgium. The two varieties are designated (and again, this may not be exactly right) CD-1 and CD-5. I Believe that the powder with the "1" designation resembles Alliant...
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    French Gendarmerie & Mini-14s

    Been watching the news about France. Has anyone noticed that a great many street shots show French security personnel carrying Mini-14s? The discussion over which rifle they should adopt HAD to have been a very interesting one!
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    A NEW shotgun used in attack in France?

    I just saw an onlooker at the French atrocity identify one of the weapons used as a "Kalashnikov pump-action shotgun". Now I know there are pump-action shotguns, and I know that there are Kalashnikov shotguns. But I've never heard of a "Kalashnikov pump-action shotgun". Perhaps it's made by the...
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    "Help" with a reloading question from Alliant.

    A while back, I wrote Alliant powders requesting guidance from them requesting data for some +P loads in .45 Colt, preferably with BE- 86 or 300-MP. Below is MY inquiry. THIS was the reply I received: I sat down and fired off a reply, befitting the tone of "Duane VB's" reply, to me, thus...