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  1. L

    Glock trigger

    I'm willing to expose my ignorance if somebody can cure it. The funny little "trigger safety" on a Glock and some other autos, you know, the doo-dad on the trigger. What's the rationale behind this? Is this actually kind of a grip safety as part of the trigger and if it is, what the heck can...
  2. L

    CCW illegal in church in Texas?

    I thought it used to be illegal to carry a gun in church in Texas, but I thought they changed that. Did they change it back again?
  3. L

    Glock action

    When a Glock is ready to fire, is all the energy needed to set off the primer already stored in the gun? With a "double-action only" gun, your trigger finger supplies the energy (by compressing a spring) needed to set off the primer. With a single-action automatic, that spring gets...
  4. L

    Pocket holster for SP-101

    I was looking at getting a DAO SP-101 next. I think I can pocket carry it (I used to pocket carry my Mil-Pro). But I'm not sure what holster would be best for this. I've been considering a DeSantis Superfly.
  5. L

    Prime Minister Obama?

    If things don't work out the way he'd like in the election, how hard would it be for Obama to fake a Canadian birth certificate and run for Prime Minister there? They seem to like him.
  6. L

    Polls, Turnout, and Congess

    I think the smarter Democrats have been aware since July that the presidency was lost. Since then, I suspect they've had other priorities. They've got very slim majorities in the House and Senate. Back in the Spring (eons ago politically), the assumption was that they would greatly increase...
  7. L

    Obama's victory lap

    Obama seems to be acting as if he had already been elected. This may be a strategy (perhaps a bad one) or he may feel like he's already got it in the bag. My question is: Is this because he's a product of Chicago politics? He's got the Democratic nomination in the bag. Does his experience...
  8. L

    Shooting outdoors in Texas

    Range fees in my area are about $20 without a membership. I remember as I young man in North Dakota, my friends and I would just go out in the countryside and shoot with a hill* or something as a backstop. I don't know if we were breaking any laws or not. Can't I just go out into the...