Search results

  1. S

    Quick CC question...

    My "normal" carry weapons are a SIG P365 with added flat trigger, and a Walther PDP Compact...depending on the lightness of clothes/Texas heat. However, I do own a Kahr CW380 that is typically a "workout shorts" gun. Something light enough to wear in a holster with no belt etc... I am...
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    The Family....

    Just had to post a pic of my SIG family...the first time they have all been together. I swapped out the stock grips for G10's on the P226, then took it to the gunsmith for him to put in the Gray Guns master spring kit and precision straight adjustable trigger. In the meantime I purchased the...
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    NGD!!! Finally!!!

    I have looked forward to the new SIG P365 since January, and now I finally have it. Glad I put a deposit down. It feels great in the hand, points well, smooth trigger, great sights. I'm well aware of the problem with the initial batches that went out...I'm hopeful it has been worked out. A...
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    IWB Front CrossDraw Holsters...YAY!

    Finally, FINALLY, after years of looking, I found some decent IWB Front Crossdraw holsters. I have bought many that were close, and decent, but they were usually just straight up and down, like an appendix carry. It works, but not ideal. First, I found a simple nylon snap holster from Action...
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    Ruger Stainless Family Reunion

    I recently sold my older S&W Model 29 8 3/8" and bought a Ruger Super Redhawk 7.5". My buddy has been aching for a full-size .357 and whim-bought it at a recent shooting session. Alas, a few of us had to meet at a local range...and it was all about the Stainless. Ruger Super Redhawk 7.5" 44...
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    Thoughts on a few newish handguns...

    I carry several different types of handguns at different times for different reasons, but I have to say that my Kahr CM9 is the one that is with me the most. 9mm, small, light, thin, and very concealable to carry around in a t-shirt and shorts. It has been flawless since the day I bought it...
  7. S

    P238 Holster Help...

    I've looked and looked, but just decided to write here for some opinions. I had an old Colt Mustang, and recently purchased a SIG P238 Equinox. I have a Stays-Put holster that I can either use IWB or pocket. On occasions, however, I would want one with a clip. The little Uncle Mike's is an...
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    Taurus TCP 738 380

    I recently bought a Taurus TCP PT738 and thought I'd write a little bit about it. I recently sold my old Colt Mustang Pocketlite 380. I would carry that when an "ultra" concealable handgun was in order, when I needed to drop one in the pocket of my gym shorts (still somewhat heavy), or when...
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    Gun Shows...what's the point anymore?

    Just a small rant here. I used to frequent gun shows a bit, but doing so has been on a big decline for awhile now. The last two times I have gone to the local gun show (San Antonio and Dripping Springs, Texas), I ended up leaving with the idea that I won't be coming back. Why? I generally...
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    Colt Mustang problem...

    I have a mid 90's Colt Mustang Pocketlite. I shot it maybe a month ago with no problems whatsoever. I reloaded it last weekend to carry while doing yard work around the property. it sat in a lower drawer in its holster for the week. I just reached in to stick it in my pocket to do some more...
  11. S

    NGD...Springfield XDm 45acp 3.8 Compact

    I thought long and hard about my next purchase; what I wanted and why. I still want that Kahr CW380 at some point for an easy pocket gun while doing some of those hard, dirty, sweaty, outdoor chores that so many of us have to do in the heat here in Texas. What I wanted more was a gun to take...
  12. S

    XD for 45 Super 4" barrel

    I have searched quite a bit about the subject of what handguns can and cannot be used with 45 super. The XD and HK are the two that come up being able to shoot them in moderation right out of the box without modifications. I keep noticing, however, the thought that it needs to at least be a 4"...
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    Sticky vs StaysPut

    As the title says, I am wondering if anyone has used both the Sticky Holsters and the StaysPut Ultra Holsters. I have seen a lot of comparisons between the Sticky's and Remora's, but never the StayPut's. I have been impressed with the reviews for both. I am currently using some fairly...
  14. S

    New CHL!

    Well.......FINALLY!!! My wife received her CHL five years ago. I was going to do it with her, but my checkered past reached up and bit me. Kind of a meaner, wilder, Dukes Of Hazzard, wild eyed Southern Boy I guess you could say. Patience and a bit of a change of lifestyle has finally been...
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    All in the Family...

    New addition to the SIG family... 1995 SIG P220, 1999? SIG P245, 2012 SIG P226 Tacops My new to me SIG P245. My horrible, horrible wife surprised me with this for Christmas. ;D Many, many months ago I started really looking at the P245. I was more interested in it than the...
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    Colt Mustang issue

    I have a 1996 Colt Mustang Pocketlite. I have never had any problem with it whatsoever. Within the last few months, a problem has started to come up. When I fire it, on occasion, the safety flips up and on. I thought it might be a glove that I wear occasionally, but it still happened with it...
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    BBTI - Muzzle Energy

    When I was a kid, I loved pouring through every chart and stat sheet I could find with muzzle velocities and muzzle energies. Especially ME's. I came to realize over time that they didn't mean all that much...more of a guide if you will since there are so many variables. After a recent thread...
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    Quick SIG decocker question

    A friend looking into buying his first handgun asked me this question, and I just wanted to clarify with the knowledgeable peeps on this site. If a round is chambered in a SIG, HK, or whatever DA/SA and decocked, if one was to start to manually cock the hammer back for SA but it slipped before...
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    Glock 29 and Ruger SP101

    I am becoming more and more intrigued by the 10mm. I have talked to several people who shoot the Glock 20? who say they can't imagine shooting the 10 in such a small platform as the 29. I haven't seen one at the range to test fire, but I keep wondering if the recoil of a full load 10mm in the...
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    Older Model 29 with full power loads?

    I tried to look for this in the search, and just wasn't finding anything. Anyone out there with an older S&W Model 29 that shoots the more powerful or +P 300gr stuff? I normally have some sort of 240gr ammo for practice, and maybe some Hydro-Shoks or Black Hills for a little more potent...