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  1. W

    anyone own a FEG 40RZ?

    how does it rate?
  2. W

    reality check, or crazy person?

    these guys are saying that enron was paying the talebon, and bushs campain, millions. enron wanted to run a pipe through afghanistan to make billions on oil. the guy in charge at enron was killed (woops, suicide) and bush's administration wants no investigation into enron? why? because they were...
  3. W

    walmart weatherbys etc.

    do you guys/gals ever shop for guns at walmart. i could not get over them selling a weatherby.
  4. W

    Talking to an FFL

    how do i approach a FFL dealer so that he wont charge me an arm and a leg? what do you guys say to them?
  5. W

    Assuslt Weapons?

    How can one tell what is an assualt weapon and what isnt? can i find a list. is an AR15 an assualt weapon?
  6. W


    sorry about the thread that could divide members. never looked at it that way
  7. W


    where do you guys stand on police and firearms? how many of you think police should have alternative weapons? they have more than proved they cannot handle the reponcibility given them. maybe stund guns "ONLY" or the like. just a thought.
  8. W

    hallow point?

    what exactly is the deal with hallow points? what do they do?
  9. W

    5.45 round problems?

    will i have a problem getting 5.45 rounds in the future? i am having a problem now, but at least a few places have them online. who knows were i can get them cheap?
  10. W

    is there other catalogs like shotgun news?

    i like shotgun news, is there any other magazines like theirs?
  11. W

    Top Gun

    i saw this movie again today for the first time in like 8 years. i cant believe i once liked it. it sucks. the fighting scenes are so fake.
  12. W

    win a shopping spree

    name this gun? i suck at naming guns by the way they look, however, if you are good, you could win an online shopping spree check out the general forum at if you could name it... or, tell me what it is. if this is against rules (some hate any type of ads, or links on forums)...
  13. W

    how many of you too smile when......

    you get those forms in the mail saying you can build/carry/own a gun that you really have been wanting to for years. makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :)
  14. W

    poor reporter

    what do you guys think of that poor reporter being held hostage? at gun point no less. then guys even said in their ransom letter "to his wife and unborn child we will send food" making fun of americans dropping food in afghanistan.
  15. W


    how long does form1 take to get back?
  16. W

    anyone have a berretta over n under?

    i just picked one up, wondering what you think of them.
  17. W

    an AK question

    how do you get the gas chamber off the upper handgaurd? i need to change my wood.
  18. W


    i see pictures of these and like them, are they legal? and stil available if so? or are they like pre bans or what?
  19. W

    riddle me this

    how long has this forum been open anyway. i just heard about it recently... dang.