Search results

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    Photographs needed: Vektor CP1 Pre-recall

    To make this short: I have a Vektor CP1 9mmP pistol. These were subject to a recall from the manufacturer in the year 2000 (or thereabouts). Apparently there was a design fault where the weapon could discharge a chambered round if bumped or dropped. I sent mine in and it was modified by Denel...
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    Determining projectile diameter by means of radiography

    From this thread here, I decided to make a new one... @ easyG As a side note I would be interested to know what your technique was for measuring the size of those rounds based on the radiographs. I found that it is...
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    Identify this .222 please

    I don't have any other pictures unfortunately. All I know is that it is .222: I've had some suggestions over on THR, but I just want some other opinions as I haven't been able to confirm anything yet. Many thanks in advance.
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    A JHB mall incident

    I got into an unfortunate situation one day and ended up firing a warning shot in a shopping mall. I know, it sounds highly dubious and no doubt there will be those of you who condemn that action outright. But that was the only viable option I saw under the circumstances. In hindsight there were...
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    Need suggestions about ballistics course for radiographers

    Ladies and gents There is the possibility that I setup a ballistics study weekend for forensic radiographers here in the UK. These radiographers will probably be members of the UK Forensic Response Team, which has been setup nationally to deal with mass casualty imaging in the incident...
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    IWB Holster for SIG P226R

    Sorry if this has been asked before, but search results yield nothing at the moment. I would like to get an IWB holster (preferably a clip type) for a SIG P226R. Any recommendations? Do you have one of these holsters? How much did you pay for it and what do you think of it? Are there any...
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    Armed patients in the hospital

    As many of you know, I am writing a book on gunshot wounds (forensic and technical aspects thereof mainly) and one of the things I am adding as an appendix is the handling of armed patients. In the Johannesburg hospital where I worked, we would frequently get armed patients coming into the X-ray...
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    South African R5 vs Galil SAR (differences)

    After a lot of searching I have not been able to find the answers I need. I would like to hear from owners of R4, R5, or R6 rifles about differences between those rifles and the Israeli Galils upon which they are based. Here is what I know: 1) The South African R4 is chambered in 5.56mm and has...
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    Odd Job's Gunshot Thread

    After various threads along the lines of "This guy was hit x times with y ammo of z calibre and he still didn't die" I have decided to tell you all what my perspective is on gunshot wounds and shot placement. To begin with let's go over what we are told by all the experts as regards neutralising...
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    Gunshot Wounds

    There are quite a few stories and misconceptions about gunshot wounds, especially when it comes to questions about calibre or a type of ammunition or the number of times someone is shot as relates to the damage that is to be 'expected.' At some stage I might lay down a few of my observations so...
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    Greetings from a South African

    Hello all, I just registered today and hope to make some new connections here, particularly anybody involved in the medical and forensic side of things. I am a radiographer who has a lot of experience from a Johannesburg trauma unit and gunshot wounds are my specialty. We were getting about...