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  1. T

    Politicians kill more children than lunatic mass murderers

    Here is an interesting statisitical comparison: In 1993 the Democratic Congress and Democratic President passed a law requiring automobile manufacturers to install airbags in their cars. Since 1993, 99 children have been killed and confirmed killed by air bags. 21 more children's deaths are...
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    ATF: %66 of guns in crimes are....

    The BATF said on CBS news this morning that %33 of guns used in crimes are stolen from homes etc. The far majority of the other %66 of guns in crimes are bought through straw man purchases from gun shops and FFL's, legally, according to a BATF spokesman. Now, I know that we don't want anymore...
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    Times poll on gun control

    We are really winning this one decisively.,2637,guncontrol,00.html
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    A very serious question for my friends here

    Hello, I need some soothsayer advice. My dad is thinking of investing in a serious rifle. His price range is around $2500. Why does this belong on the Legal and Political forum you ask? Because he wants to buy a rifle that isn't going to get confiscated and have him lose his investment...
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    60 Minutes and CCW

    I caught a glimpse of an article on 60 Minutes today. It was about CCW and how it should be tougher to get licenses. They sure tried to muster up something bad to say, but didn't have much. CCW has just been too successful over the last 8 years. They had some Police dork on who was their...
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    I just saw "Waco - Rules of Engagement"

    I just saw the documentary "Waco - Rules of Engagement" for the second time. Amazing. I first saw it on HBO several months ago. Now it is on the New Release shelves at Blockbuster. Rent it. See it. That is all I can say, words cannot even begin to touch in this post what is on that tape...
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    Attn: TritonCartridge Re: QuikShok Balistics

    TritonCartridge, I have been carrying your QuikShok rounds for a while now, (designed by Tom Burczynshi of Hydrashok fame), but I am very unfamiliar with the ballistic performance of these rounds. I understand that the QuikShok fragments into three pieces inside the target, thereby causing...
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    Feinstein on 60 Minutes

    I saw a repeat of the 60 Minutes article about the "assault weapons ban" of '94. Basically it was about how cosmetic features were outlawed so the gun makers came out with guns without those features. Sounds like they were following the law to me. Feinstein and others were complaining about...
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    Tomorrow night, Dan Rather is going to "educate us on the Second Amendment"

    Okay, this is it, on Monday night Dan Rather is going to do his "eye opening reality check on the second amendment" on the Evening News. He was supposed to do this story a couple weeks ago, but JonJon killed himself so they covered that story every day and they put the gun story off until there...
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    Donut shop shooting

    I got this off of Glocktalk and thought it may interest so of us here. I have not heard anything about this on the local news, but chock one up for the good guys. Donut shop owner shoots armed robber in North Hollywood.
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    How come no reverence for the Presidency anymore?

    I noticed something new, and maybe someone can explain if I missed something. I was always taught that titles were to be capitalized, for example "President" as a respected title. Also, the President used to be called "Mr. President". Now he is called "Mr. Clinton", not even "President...
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    He actually thought he would get away with it? (Atlanta)

    Reports say that the scumbag shooter in Atlanta (I don't even care what his name was) carjacked a van at a mall to make his escape. This makes me think he actually thought he was going to get away with it !?! He only shot himself when he was caught. My theory is that he got away with brazen...
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    NRA blame starts (Atlanta)

    I just don't get why the NRA gets blamed for all the gun problems. I don't know of any other group who is being demonized like the NRA is today, for actions of people that are in no way connected to the NRA!. The NRA simply holds a political opinion and actually does a lot of work to cut back...
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    The Prez has no shame (using JFK jr's death to glorify himself)

    I have not been following all this so correct me if I am wrong but: I just saw president Clinton publically "taking the blame" for ordering the search to continue for JFK Jr. It appears to me that he waited until they found the bodies, made sure that it was a good idea, then he gets on TV and...
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    What's the scoop on the Pro Ord Carbon 15?

    My buddy wants to buy a Professional Ordinance Carbon 15. I can't do anything but encourage him; it looks like 3.9 pounds of whoopass to me ;) Whats' the verdict on these? Are they a good rifle so far? thanks, thaddeus
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    Dan Rather again on guns

    Today, Dan Rather on "CBS Evening News" spoke about the Luby's incident and gave the perspective from Suzanne Hubb (sp?) who said she could have stopped the incident with her gun, which was in her car according to law. They gave her plenty of time to talk, with intemittent blips of...
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    Episcopalian priestess bans guns from church

    Newsweek June 14 1999 reports that a Utah Episcopalian Bishop, Carolyn Tanner Irish, posted a sign in front of her church stating "The Episcopal church welcomes you, but not your guns!" with a circle and slash over a poor rendition of a tommy gun. The Bishop was quoted as saying "After...
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    How come more victims don't sue the State or businesses?

    Since law suits are en vogue, I am wondering why more victims of crimes don't sue the State or businesses for not protecting them, or for not allowing them to protect themselves. For instance, the woman in Texas (forgot her name) who filed suit against Texas for not letting her carry her gun...
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    Anyone know where I can get a Carbon 15 for a good price?

    I am looking for a Carbon 15 for a friend. It's the carbon fiber ultra-lightweight (3.9 pounds) version of the "AR15". Please post here or email me if anyone knows where to get one for any kind of discount. thanks,
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    Dan Rather showed a pro-gun statistic! (Followed by depressing California local news)

    This Evening with Dan Rather had an article about guns in small towns and how they have no crime even though guns are a large part of the culture. Dan Rather stated that they wanted to be fair and show both sides of the issue. They even put a statistic up that "each year more than %99 of all...