Search results

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    Gem Tech Tundra Threading and What Would You Attach it to?

    I'm trying to jump on the Gem Tech "tax season" discount and get a Tunda suppressor. Unfortunately, I'm sort of dumb when it comes to this sort of situation. What threading do you recommend, the "American" version of the Metric? Also, if you had your choice of guns to pair up with the...
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    Engraving or Etching on AR Receivers

    Once upon a time there used to be a great company who engraved/etched simple graphics and text on AR lowers at a reasonable price. Anyone have any recommendations for companies who do this? The one back in the day was Tom Sawyer MFG. Thanks!
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    Savage 7mm W/Scope

    So a coworker of mine purchased a Savage Rifle of indeterminable model number from a local gun store for around 350 bucks that is chambered in 7mm Mag. It comes with a camo bag and a scope of also indeterminable brand. He is asking 150 bucks for it. If I am not hurting for cash, would this be a...
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    Black Carbon Scouring

    I will start off this post by admitting that whatever happened, is completely my fault. I am not blaming ammo. I am not blaming the guy who owned the guns before me and I am not blaming manufacturers. It seems that throughout the last couple of times of taking my guns out to the range and being...
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    What Should The Essential Gun Collection Have?

    Would you consider yourself and your gun collection to be a minimalist approach to the gun world or an abundance of guns as part of the essential gun collect? I ask, because everytime I think I have everything I want, something else is clicked in my brand and I want to own yet another part of...
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    Watching You For Your SAFETY, RIGHT!? Half-Life 2 almost becomes a reality.... Monday, April 17, 2006 NYPD installing lots of surveillance cams -- but don't snap back. New York City's police department is placing 500 surveillance cameras throughout the city, at a...
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    Buying a Rifle/Carbine While Living in a Heavily Populated Area

    Ok, I've posted about similiar entries before. I live in a big city (Cincinnati) and don't have much in the way of convient options to take advantage of shooting a rifle. However, the local rifle range allows carbines to be fired as long as the projectile does not fire more than 2000/fps. Any...
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    Stamped vs. Milled AK Varients

    For those of you who have stamped and milled receivers... which do you prefer and why? Is it worth the cost difference between the two to get the milled? Thanks! :D
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    Configuring ARs for different calibers

    Is it pretty easy to change out calibers for ARs from one caliber to another? Thinking about getting a .308 and .223 Wyld. Are uppers and mags basically the only thing that needs to be purchased? Thanks!
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    Kel-tec Plr-16

    Anyone have any experience with these? Local shop has them for about450 bucks. I am more in the mood for buying an AR rather than a .223 pistol. I'm just curious how they are, quality-wise.
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    5.56 NATO and .223 ARs

    I am in the process of determining what specific type of AR to purchase and while browsing through different catalogues and reading gun rags, I stumbled across some rifles that say available in .223 or 5.56 NATO. I was under the impression that the two are the same thing. Am I wrong? Please...
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    AK 74 Arsenal Arms Inquiry 5.45mm

    So, today I went to the big after Christmas sale at a gun shop and they had a new in box Arsenal Arms AK-74 for $489.00. They threw in another 30 round mag and took 10% off of the purchase price, but I eventually declined to purchase it because I think I'll end up saving for an AR. I'm wondering...
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    Walther G22

    I went ot the local gun show in the greater Cincinnati area. They had several (three) models of the base G22 w/o laser scope for 309 dollar plus tax. This is a good deal, but does anyone else have this rifle? I'd like to know because I wouldn't mind having one if they are quality. If they...
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    Made in the USA.... or not.

    Several of those who are into guns are also into preserving the freedoms we have as citizens of the United States. Also, several people express this by purchasing things "made in America (read: Purchasing "Hecho en Mexico" does not count, hombre)." Do those of you who subsribe to this ideal also...
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    a new .22 rifle.

    With Christmas coming and a few hundred to spare, I am inquiring as to what constitutes a good plinking rifle to pick up in .22LR. I have yet to experiment much with rifles and when googling, the Ruger 10/22 seems to be more consistent than any other rifle in my searches. Any of you recommend...
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    Gun Politics + Jobs

    I'll admit, I am not bright, I am rarely witty and I am average Joe American kind of guy. In similiar fashion, guns are one of three things I am passionate about. However, as the time grows nearer and nearer for me to finish my college career with a piece of paper that proves it, it dawned on...
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    AK .22LR caliber training rifles

    The local shop has one for a hundred bucks. Anyone know if this is worth it? It looks to be decent quality, but I've never seen one and know very little about them. Any info could be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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    the shop where you machine your own 1911

    I remember reading about this particular gun shop that sells "blanks" that are firearms only about 80% percent finished. The shop gives you the option of dropping by and machining a 1911 clone that is made by you and does not have to be serialized by the FTA because it is homemade and can never...
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    Importing Purchased Firearms outside of the Country

    Is anyone vaguely familiar with how to import purchased weapons from outside of the United States? In specific, I imagine they must be shipped to an FFL but what about unconstitutional serial numbering, etc.?
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    Springfield 1911 Mil-Spec Parkerized

    I just purchased a Springy 1911 Mil-Spec parkerized for $509 for my best friend's wedding. I hope he enjoys it (note: I did not pay for it all, his fiance' bruted most of the green). What are they going for in your area? :confused: