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  1. G

    Talk me out of a .300 BLK

    So, I'm mostly a pistol guy. I only have one rifle, and it's a .22LR. Though recently my father-in-law and I have been talking about doing AR builds. It looks like it's something we're both going to do together. I have yet to purchase anything for it, but I do have some ideas. My big issue right...
  2. G

    Constitutionality of ATF regs

    Constitutionally speaking, can the Feds regulate manufacture/sales of firearms within a state? I'm not asking what they do...I know what they do. I'm asking is it even constitutional for them to do so? I can understand (though disagree with) the government's ability to regulate interstate...
  3. G

    Question for those more versed in gun laws than me...

    So, I just read that the proposed gun control bill has passed a crucial vote that will allow debate on the floor of the Senate. (68-31, I believe...outside of a possible filibuster). The proposed amendment for background checks says that it includes background checks for Internet and Gun Show...