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  1. M

    Shooting Glasses

    I have often joked about my age - over 60, off warranty, can't get parts . . . at least no parts you'd want - But I recently found out that I have cataracts, and they can be easily corrected and I can have 20/20 again (which i haven't had since 4th grade), but I will need reading glasses. This...
  2. M

    Replacement for MMC Adj rear sight for 11911?

    I have a Kimber Custom Royale with a Brazos Lighning Rod front sight and an MMC adjustable rear. While shooting to requalify for my carry permit last weekend, the sight insert on the rear sight fell out and was lost in the sands of the Albuquerque Shooting Park. So, in the course of trying to...
  3. M

    9 Guns For Every 10 Americans

    9 Guns For Every 10 Americans I OCR'd this from from yesterday's Albuquerque Journal, see attached .pdf for original text 9 Guns For Every 10 Americans 270M Firearms In Circulation BY FRANK JORDANS The Associated press GENEVA — there are nine guns for every 10 people in the United States...
  4. M

    The Four Rules - Which 'rules'?

    So, there I am, trying to inculcate basic firearms safety to my neice, drilling on The Four Rules, when she asks, "Which is the most important?" From the mouths of babes (and she soon will be one), I tried to explain that they all work together, sort of like the Oppenhiemer logo ,where the four...
  5. M

    Nills Grips

    I was showing off my P5C project gun [] and got a couple emails asking where I got the grips. I had inititally tried to order direct from Nills in Germany (Karl Nill Massgriffe und Holverarbeitung GmbH, but they weren't set up to do business in...
  6. M

    CZ75PCR/Compact/PO1 Std Cap Mags

    Good news PCR/P01/Compact fans! CZ-USA is now stocking standard capacity (14 rnd) mags for $37 each. Ijust ordered 3. Call Eric at 1-800-955-4486
  7. M

    CZ75PCR magazine source?

    Can anyone point me to a source for standard (full) capacity mags for a 9mm CZ75PCR? TIA
  8. M

    Dry Firing at TV w/o Annoying Wife

    My wife doesn't like me dry firing at the TV. I, OTOH, like to practice rapid sight acquisition and targeting, and the TV is good for this. I finally figured out how to get her off my case - I explained it was a childhood carry-over from when we all used to gather `round the tube with our...
  9. M

    MD- 5 Murdered in Montgomery Co in last 15 hours

    There's a shooting spree ongoing in Montgomery County MD. Starting last night, 5 people have been gunned down in apparent random incidents along major thoroughfares in the county. Police are completely baffled, have asked local news organizations to have their helo's lookout for an isuzu box...
  10. M

    John Walsh+Anti-self-defense??

    Just saw an ad on TV for the John Walsh Show (walsh does America's Most Wanted, is father of Adam Walsh who was abducted and killed). Today's show is about 'guns in teh home'. The trailer had a blubbering mother admonishing to take care, and Walsh used the 'new & improved' figure of how guns...
  11. M

    Sick & Tired of 9-11

    // full rant // on: At least the media circus. Don't get me wrong, I have the deepest sympathy for the real victims, and the greatest respect for the men and women who are putting their lives on the line to go after the scumbags that are responsible, but I'm close to puking as the media parades...
  12. M

    New Backyard Toy

    No home should be without one Ooops! trying to insert an image Moderator, please remove
  13. M

    Right Coast, Left Coast, In the Middle

    My sister, a transplanted Merrylander to Seabrook TX, sent this. Ten years ago, she'da thought this was 'quaint', seems to be embracing it now (worse things could happen). I'm still gonna buy my nephew a shotgun next year when he turns 18 (my sister is still too liberal for her own good...
  14. M

    Brazos Lightning rod/MMC adj sights on Kimber

    Need a little advice on stabilizing my rear sight. I have a Kimber Custom Royale full size .45 that I put a Brazos Lightning Rod fiber optic front sight on. Its an absolute boon for my over 50 eyes, but it turns out that the sight is .055 taller than the stock Kimber front sight, and was...
  15. M

    Federal Air Transportation Airport Security Service

    Almost 150 years ago, President Lincoln found it necessary to hire private investigator, Mr. Alan Pinkerton. He was actually the beginning of the Secret Service. Since that time federal police authority has grown to a large number of agencies - FBI, CIA, INS, IRS, DEA, BATF, SS, ATF, etc. Now...
  16. M

    Congratulations SLC, Utah

    Not gun related, but that was a mighty fine show for the opening of the Olympics, we hope the rest of the games go as well. Simply awesome, GREAT job!
  17. M

    Photon III Microlight

    I picked up one of the new type III Photons over Christmas, it's pretty cool. It has microcircutry that provides three levels of brightness, three speeds of flasher, and auto off after a minute. You toggle thru the options by holding the back half of the switch button. The front half of the...
  18. M

    Kensington, MD, Overrun with Santas

    :D I was with great glee that I watched the evening news lastnight as scores of Santas showed up for Kensington's Christmas Tree lighting. The mayor looked like a complete idiot, ignoring questions about Santa's presence, acting as if everything was hunky-dory, but it was wonderful to see the...
  19. M

    Gov't Cranial Rectitus

    Got this in the e-mail this AM, interesting question, perhaps symptomatic of why we're in this mess today - Two men, both billionaires: - -One develops relatively cheap software and gives hundreds of millions of dollars to charity. - -The other sponsors terrorism. That being the case...
  20. M

    Emmys Cancelled - Sick & Tired of Gutless Celebrities

    Not that it's any great loss, IMO showbiz awards shows are are nothing but self-congrratulatory, self-agrandizing, mutual masturbation, not no mention a huge waste of bandwidth, but where do these dweebs get off? They claim to be doing thier part for America's morale, but can't be bothered to...