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  1. C

    large rifle primers for magnum

    I bought a .300 Winchester magnum and have all the components I need except for the magnum primers of which I can find none anywhere. I do however have a decent supply of both large rifle and large rifle benchrest primers. Can I use large rifle primers? My powders are win supreme 780...
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    The .30-06 (stupid things the government does)

    So they gave up the 30-06 for the 308. Seems like a good idea if you listen to the government only that they gave up a critical 150-200 fps which doesn't sound like much if you are a deer hunter but when it comes to penetration of hard targets you are talking about a decrease in range of about...
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    Criminal armed with a taser

    If a criminal armed with pepper spray or a taser is going to attack me, would I be authorized to use deadly force? On the justification that once attacked my physical ability to defend myself against being killed would be greatly hindered or In a scenario in which my kids were with me and the...
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    Rumor on executive orders and imports

    Is it true that Obama is now trying to "ban" the importation of surplus ammunition and the import of parts kits that may be used to build semi-automatic military style rifles? Possibly even "ban" (through ATF interpretation) the import of commercial ammo that may be used as military ammunition...
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    question on DHS contract

    Since the contract is designed for the manufacturers to have a certain amount of ammunition on hand in case the DHS needs it, does this mean that the manufacturers must have the entire amount of mentioned in the contract available in case the DHS decides to purchase all of it? Also what will...
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    replies from ammo makers AND the origin of the panic

    I am pondering contacting either Federal, Remington or Winchester and asking questions on what is going on with the ammo shortage.... However, I thought I would ask here to see if others have already done this and what replies were given? It is definitely graduated beyond a conspiracy theory...
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    Do we really want enforcement of current laws?

    If you get to thinking about it enforcing current laws is a very scary thing. There are a lot of laws on the books that could disenfranchise a large number of gun owners of their guns, especially in states like California where many types of guns must be registered. Now if you or I are perfect...
  8. C

    The coming filibuster

    Not sure how difficult this could make passing the gun control bills but One of my senators (Rand Paul) and two others have threatened to filibuster the gun control bills. It would be nice to see more and more conservative senators to join hands and defy the passage of these bills. Obviously...
  9. C

    gopher town in Kentucky?

    Can't seem to find any information on this so maybe someone can give me a clue what I observed. An area of small holes about 2-3 inches across covering an area of about 25 square yards. Some holes had interconnecting trenches. This was in a field that is usually grown up with soybean. It is...
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    Nullification of gun laws

    I understand that some of the arguments against state nullification go back a long ways to before the civil war. South Carolina took a stand to ignore federal laws on tariffs. Andrew Jackson responded with a show of military strength and threatened to invade South Carolina if they allowed goods...
  11. C

    Confiscation in California

    Does this really happen? How long has this been going on? What should be done about this? A possible scenario they could use easily to get access to those guns is if you have kids. Social services could bully their way in and the cops could take...
  12. C

    Bill will reject additional federal gun regulation in KY

    The bill passed the Senate overwhelmingly and now goes to the house. Perhaps some of this might help Kentuckians breathe a little easier. Although it is often touted that State laws cannot trump Federal laws, It would still make it very difficult for the federal government to operate against...
  13. C

    VA disqualifying disabled veterans?

    There have been a few articles showing the letters and several videos from Alex Jones about letters veterans have been receiving stating that the VA has decided to consider them unable to manage their own affairs and that it will be unlawful for them to own guns anymore. Is there any truth to...
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    armor piercing legislation?

    I heard Leon Panetta talk about this in a speech to troops and once again some mention on a ban. But to my knowledge armor piercing ammo is already banned. So what additional armor piercing are they talking about? And what does regulating armor piercing ammo have to do with saving childrens...
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    political parties and judges

    Since the political parties seem to be aligned with the conservative and liberal beliefs of judges these days, does that undermine our checks and balances in the government?
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    printable magazines

    check this tidbit out Actually wants me to get myself a 3d printer.
  17. C

    Is the White House losing the fight for gun control?

    After watching his News Conference Obama seemed very sedated about what he plans to do about gun control. It seems that even a magazine ban may have trouble passing the congress (my own opinion). He said something about keeping hi-capacity magazines out of the hands of people who should not...
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    President Obamas Executive powers

    What exactly can Obama do with his executive powers without going through the congress?
  19. C

    Curious about pre94 guns.

    I remember Rose's sold huge numbers of Russian and Chinese sks's, Chinese Mak90s, and 91s. Also I remember customers buying dolly's full of sks and mak90s at gun shows. What happened to all of these guns? They seemed to have just disappeared off the market never to be seen again. What about...
  20. C

    .308 soft point or 12 guage foster slug

    Which is more lethal?