Search results

  1. T

    22 Range Pistol

    I'm starting to think about looking around for a 22 lr pistol for range practice, but don't really want to spend much more than $200-300 at the most. I'm inclined towards something that is either a DA/SA semi or DA revolver, since that's what I shoot centerfire. I've looked at some options...
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    Mossberg Patriot vs Savage Axis

    I’ve been looking for a no frills rifle for deer to maybe elk if the weather is bad and some range shooting. After bouncing around on calibers I came back to the 308 as the best option, though for the right price I could go with a 270 or 30-06. I’ve narrowed the race to the savage and mossberg...
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    Prvi Partizan bullets

    I bought a few hundred Prvi Partizan 100 gr 25 caliber soft point bullets a few years back (really cheap as they were returns for damaged packaging but looked fine). I was wondering if anyone had any experience with these bullets in hunting loads or if they’re really only suitable for paper...
  4. T

    Heavy or tough bullets?

    If you’re hunting at the upper end of a caliber (.223 for deer or .257 for elk) what type of bullet do you prefer? Fast but tough like the Hornady GMX or slower but heaviest soft points? I know the “on paper” differences, but what does real life experience show?
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    Rifle I can’t pass up

    I’m looking for the deal I can’t pass up rifle. I’ve got a lot of the bases covered already, but I feel there is a void in my arsenal, but don’t want to spend much to fill it. I’m in no rush so the goal is what to keep an eye open for. In general, I’m looking for a decent lightweight enough...
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    AR Build: break in period or assembly issue.

    I just recently got my new AR build (Spikes lower, PSA kit and stock, DelTon pre-assembled 20" upper shooting Federal/Lake City 55gr) out to the range to test fire. Everything went really well, except that for the first 10-15 rounds the trigger would not load after each shot. It went fully...
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    Case Trimmer Pilot Size

    I have an old (1950's era) case trimmer that is in perfect working condition except for one problem, I only have one size pilot (.257). I can't find much about the make (Grigsby as I recall), but it does have a removable pilot and essentially looks like it is the same as the basic classic-style...
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    vz 82/cz 83 magazines

    I have a vz 82 and am thinking about extra magazines. My question is, do the CZ 83 magazines for the 9x18 or 9x17 also work for the vz 82?
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    The AK-46 vs the Bear

    So this story was just too good. Unfortunately, the editors fixed the worst bits. In the version up this morning it referred to the militants as carrying AK-46 rifles. This is unfortunate as I was hoping to finally have an answer to the...
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    Basic Centerfire Rifle

    I had the semiauto rifle bug, but got over it. They are too expensive, and too inaccurate. So now I am wondering what I can get in an inexpensive rifle (any action, though I suspect bolt will be the least inexpensive). I reload, so factory ammo costs are not an issue, though bullet costs are...