Search results

  1. R

    VHA for sale? Seems so...

    Dear Jeffrey; First, if indeed you did ask questions of the club's office or staff and were not granted a response, I heartily apologize. This is wholly contrary to all club and corporate policies. In fact, if you did not receive a response to ANY question, then I...
  2. R

    VHA for sale??? Seems so...

    Dear Jeffrey; First, if indeed you did ask questions of the club's office or staff and were not granted a response, I heartily apologize. This is wholly contrary to all club and corporate policies. In fact, if you did not receive a response to ANY question, then I...
  3. R

    Agressive, professional pro-gun tv ads, and radio, and print

    Check it out.
  4. R

    Drugs...common demominator in shootings

    check it out
  5. R

    Progun lawyers doing some GOOD. JOIN IN!

    and pray that it works WELL! THANKS
  6. R

    Progun Lawyers doing some GOOD! JOIN IN! AND PRAY THAT IT WORKS well!
  7. R

    Progun lawyers doing some GOOD. Tell the customers.

    And join in. thanks.
  8. R

    "Intellectual matchmaker..."

    "located at, the "matchmaker" asks you a few questions and then makes recommendations on organizations, books, clubs, web sites -even job openings- that might interest you... " Leadership Memo pg 13
  9. R

    Pro gun Lawyers!!!! Yes.

    L.S.A.S. Lawyers Second Amendment Society. I think you can get a street address from or the Paul Revere Network. Good luck.
  10. R

    Didn't Clinton's buddy Carville say

    something about trailing a $100.00 bill through trailerpark trash to see what turns up... Clinton lonely?
  11. R

    Hate taxes?

    Now if only 10% of the 3 million members of the NRA visited these sites and addresses appropriate questions to their Congresspersons... would Congress have time for gun control? & GOOD LUCK.
  12. R

    "Conn. Wesleyan "film class" makes "porno" movie...

    No "x's" rating listed... And they wonder what is wrong with young people... (per morning paper...)
  13. R

    Improve your image...

    No question that anyone who contacts an elected rep is recorded as a "gun nut" or "crackpot" or worse... If you care to visit and find the "Pearson" decision, it is good for a laugh and more. In this decision a 3 judge panel on the Fed Appeals court "beat up" the...
  14. R

    Send Clinton a box of cigars TO DISTRACT HIM

    and make him horney...