Search results

  1. R

    Your opinion of this - saying to NOT call 911

    Here's a guy, a private investigator, with some pretty hard nosed advice. I've always been taught that the VERY first thing you should do in a self defense shooting is call 911. He advises leaving the scene immediately, calling your lawyer and letting HIM call 911. A lot of what he's saying is...
  2. R

    How does NFA work when it's a DIY conversion?

    All the forms and information I've read on getting a trust or tax stamp refer to purchasing NFA items. How does it work when you're creating the item yourself? Say, for example, I wanted to make a Lightning Link or suppressor in my shop. How does it work then? I've often read people making...
  3. R

    Need mount for light > 1" diameter

    I have a terrific light I want to keep - it was a gift. I want to mount it on my M&P, but ALL of the light mounts and scope rings I can find are made for 1" tubes, and this light is a hair over 1 1/16" and just won't fit them. I don't want a barrel mount; this is for a picatinny. Does anyone...
  4. R

    Have you ever HAD to expose your CW?

    I was just wondering how some of you have handled situations where you had to, or almost had to, expose your concealed weapon. Say you're wearing it under a tropical shirt or jacket or vest, on your belt, and you stop by the store to buy some milk. Suddenly, a little old white haired lady...
  5. R

    "Driveway sensors"

    In another thread here, somebody mentioned "driveway sensors" that trigger some kind of alarm if somebody pulls into your driveway. Are these prone to false alarms? Say, if a stray dog walks across it, something of that nature.
  6. R

    Felony conviction and guns you already own...

    I know of a guy who was a Class III dealer, CHL instructor, and sold a bunch of weapons like full autos, silencers, etc. To make a long story short, he wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer and got himself convicted of a serious felony. Of course, he lost his CHL and dealer privileges, and...
  7. R

    Your shot vs. the BG's trigger finger

    We've all seen the scenario on TV where the BG is holding a gun to a hostage's head and everybody puts down their guns. Or he's standing in a bank or convenience store pointing a gun across the counter at an employee. I've heard numerous times that if such a BG is shot through the head, that he...
  8. R

    Why use [img][/img] for pictures

    I'm just wondering... why do almost all forums use the process for posting images into a message, which requires first uploading it to an online database like Photobucket, instead of just using a browse button and uploading it straight from your computer? The latter is so much quicker and...
  9. R

    SIG 226 OWB??

    Would you carry a SIG P226 OWB concealed?
  10. R

    Impromptu .380 ammo test

    I was killing (no pun intended!) some time this afternoon and decided to test some .380 ammo I had on hand. My carry gun is a SIG P238. I've often mentioned that my carry ammo is Buffalo Bore 100 gr. hardcast flat nose. The BB 27A/20 is pretty powerful ammo. It will penetrate 32" of ballistic...
  11. R

    P238 issues

    I'm starting to get a little PO'ed at this new Sig P238. When I first got it, I went through a box of Lawman, had 2 FTE. Then 100 rounds of the truncated-cone WWB, with 5 or 6 failures of various types. Stovepipes, failures to feed (jammed on the ramp), a couple with the case flipped around...
  12. R

    .380 topic banned on CCW forum

    I was browsing through some other CCW forums and ran across one called . There, .380s are considered "mouse guns" and "not a service caliber." If you attempt to discuss anything pertaining to .380s, you can get kicked off the forum. It's actually in the Terms of Use. Sheesh.
  13. R

    P238 and FTF's with WWB

    Still breaking in a new P238. It did fine with the first 50 rounds' that was Speer Lawman, which is the typical roundnosed FMJ. The next 50 rounds was some flat-point FMJ WWB. There were two failure to feeds. The bullet was caught on the upper lip of the chamber. Working the slide popped it in...
  14. R

    Dealing with a "follower"

    You're walking back to your car, possibly with your wife, after dark, after spending a few hours in a downtown night spot, where the nearest parking is several blocks away in a dark parking lot (a common situation). You notice a couple of unsavory-looking guys following you, but you're not sure...
  15. R

    SIG P238 peculiarity

    I just noticed a peculiar behavior in my new SIG P238, and wondered if anyone else has observed it, or if it's just my gun and it needs some smithing. ****WARNING!! DANGER!!**** REPRODUCING THIS REQUIRES PUTTING YOUR GUN IN A COCKED-AND-LOCKED CONDITION, WITH A ROUND IN THE CHAMBER AND A FULL...
  16. R

    Are Promag magazines any good?

    I need some extra mags for my SIG P238. They don't give those puppies away: SIG mags run about $40. I was thumbing through a Natchez catalog the other day and they have Promag magazines for this gun for $17. That's pretty cheap; I'm wondering how good they are. $40 apiece is just too pricey.
  17. R

    Shooting to the left

    I have a Sig P238 I sometimes use for CC; the sights are good - I checked them on a bench. But when shooting it, either one handed or two handed, I tend to hit slightly to the left. E.g., firing one shot per 1 to 1.5 seconds at 7 yards, they tend to hit 2 to 4 inches to the left. Is there a...
  18. R

    .357 Blackhawk difficult extraction - PROBLEM SOLVED

    I recently started a thread about the empty cases being difficult to extract from a stainless .357 Blackhawk. I'm shooting a max (16.6) load of H110 and 158 gr. XTPs with SPM primers. I fixed the problem yesterday. I got a felt polishing tip for my Dremel tool - it's tip #422: These were the...
  19. R

    Difficult extraction in .357 Blackhawk - the load, or the gun?

    I have a stainless 6 1/2" new model Blackhawk in .357. I've been using 16.6 gr. of H110, SPM primers, 158 gr. XTPs. 16.6 is the max load for this setup, according to Hornady and other sources. It works fine. Problem is, most of the spent cases are difficult to extract. There's usually at least...
  20. R

    Life span of a Blackhawk?

    I've had a few Blackhawks over the years, and always ended up trading them, although they were without exception fine, reliable guns. My current one is a 6 1/2" stainless .357. I've probably put a couple thousand rounds (I handload) through it since I bought it new. These are mostly max-load 158...