Search results

  1. S

    New grips, new leather

    I finally switched out to slim grips (Chip McC brand I picked up on a forum). I must say, they almost feel too thin. But we'll see how it goes. As for bushings, the bushing drivers were useless on staked bushings as they just torn them to shreds. Bushing metal is just too soft to stand up to...
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    Monica Kuehn Leather coming soon!

    Folks may remember my holsters from this thread WTS: 1911 Leather Holsters (JP) Monica Kuehn Leather Reopening July 2009! - Modern holsters, belts and accessories - We've made progress on our big move from Japan to Dallas. We've found a house and will hopefully have it closed on...
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    Lautenberg "Closing te Gun Show Loophole" Newsroom: Press Releases Press Release of Senator Lautenberg Senators Join Shooting Victims and Family Members to Push for Closing of the Gun Show Loophole Contact: Lautenberg Press Office (202) 224-3224 Tuesday, April 21, 2009...
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    Anti-gun Quotes

    We all need reminding (from Edit to add: Feel free to add yours "If the personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution inhibit the government's ability to govern the people, we should look to limit those guarantees." -- President...
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    All the ammo is on GunBroker

    Ammo is back ordered in online stores, out of stock in store locations, but bricks and bricks on GunBroker :rolleyes: If you need it, you can get it there. <sigh>
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    NavyFed Ft. Worth - 'No guns' posted

    Not sure if anyone else uses Navy Fed out in Ft Worth but there is an illegal 'no guns' sign on the door. Since we were going in for an appointment we decided to leave our heat in the truck and address this later. At any rate, I'm conflicted. I was joking with my husband. On one hand concealed...
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    Range Bags - what do you like?

    Just curious what everyone likes/dislikes about their range bag. What kind of pockets? How big? Any special features? What kind of material?
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    Ruger Mini-14 6.8SPC

    I'm entertaining the idea of picking one of these up to do some deer hunting. Anyone have a chance to shoot one of these in the 6.8SPC? I know the .223 have a great reputation, but no steady word on these yet. I realize ammo cost will be higher than a more common round. What about accuracy...
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    30 Days "Gun Nation" After Pia learned that her friend had been killed by a schizophrenic man wielding a gun in 1996, she became a gun control advocate who has fought to pass stricter gun laws in the U.S. Pia believes that the world would be free from gun...
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    Attn Texans! Operation Lone Star Thunder

    Hey folks, just posting up for and the big media push across Texas promoting OC. It can definitely use your support - Every bit helps! Thanks yall Operation Lone Star Thunder
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    Would I regret trading?

    I'm not back home yet but just tossing ideas around. I'm bored, brewing a cup of coffee and watching No-Limit Hold'Em on tv and surfing on the laptop... I have a Colt Commander 1991 .45 (ORM). I was planning on upgrading a few things here and there and it would be my daily carry. More and...
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    Why so many Sig P6 on the market?

    Forgive the question if its been done to death. I'm interested in the 225 so I halfway look around at the compact 9mm. I read there was an influx of P6s on the market for pretty darn cheap from overseas. Now I see them everywhere for sale. Are folks trying to get a little flip-this-gun...
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    Defending 3rd party against stranger vs known person

    This question came to me today for a recent reason or two. Do you think a person would be more or less inclined to physically defend a 3rd party victim from an attacker who is either family or friend? For example, you arrive at a family member's home only to walk in on an altercation...
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    Glock/Sig Mag interchangeability

    Anyone have a breakdown? I need Glock and Sig particularly if anyone can fill me it, it'd be much appreciated! :) ...and I know you can't use Sig mags on a Glock gun :p
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    "No Carry" businesses and their bottom line

    Do you think business that post no carry signs see a difference on their bottom line before/after said sign?
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    Specialty training courses (for disabled?)

    I was curious if there is available instruction/courses specifically tailored to training disabled folks. For instance, me with only one good hand (left is paralyzed). I realize some courses do offer the scenarios of dealing in a 'wounded arm/hand' situation, but I'd like to find some...
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    Lighter .45acp load than 230gr?

    Dad and I have both picked up new .45s (Springfield Stainless GI -his and a Colt Combat Commander -mine). I've always shot 230gr from the 5" and the Oacp and have been cluelessly satisfied with the gun's handling. But the time's come to try out different loads and educate myself. The...
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    Price Check: Commander 1991

    Well, I use to kinda laugh at these 'price check' posts when I was fairly active in guns, now that I'm not, well, shoe's on the other foot :o What's the going rate for new/excellent used Colt Commander 1991 matte blue ('1991' roll mark)? I looked at gunbroker and some online sites, but got a...
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    Back in the saddle - sorta

    Hey folks, a few months ago I posted that my parents had been burglarized and a lot of good stuff taken. Some news to report on that, both the .22s have been recovered in separate traffic stops. We should get both back after the trial and investigation is all done with for the perps in...
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    Need help IDing BB rifle

    Dad pulled out an old BB gun tonight and I'm hoping to figure out the make/model. It's a wooden stock with a spring loaded barrel. The gun is loaded and cocked by depressing the barrel into the receiver then extending out. Anyone know what this might be?? Mom even says she recalls having the...