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  1. A manipulates reviews to boost Nancy Pelosi's book

    Now I know is their own freaking company, and they can do whatever the h___ they want. It's just a bit, well, shameful. Are TV stations allowed to broadcast the paid ads from one political candidate but refuse to broadcase those of the candidate's rival? It's not quite the same...
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    Obama's Unabashed Socialism: Income Redistribution of Energy Co. Profits

    Yes, yes, I know the choir gets a healthy dosing of anti-Obama every day on TFL, but he just keeps on piling the filth. BARACK OBAMA’S EMERGENCY ECONOMIC PLAN Excerpts: Alright, I'm already against handouts, but this crap is just too much to handle. Obama wants redistribution of wealth...
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    What every man wants: a black rifle + power tool combo

    Wouldn't it be nice if you could go to the Home Depot, Sears, Lowe's, or what have you to buy a new power drill and AR-15 on the same receipt? Anyway, I saw these postings today and I got a good laugh. DeWalt-16 No, it doesn't shoot nails. Just .223 I suppose. One more pic: And also a...
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    I'm gonna celebrate DC v. Heller this weekend. Are you?

    Well the pitcher didn't throw a perfect game. Gave up a few hits, the closer was called out, but we still won. Time to enjoy. I suddenly have the strongest urge to go to Virginia Arms in Manassas and empty my paycheck at their counter. Oh wait - (one gun purchase per month rule in the VA.)...
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    SCOTUS Finally settles the Guantanamo Bay Argument

    Justices: Gitmo detainees can challenge detention in U.S. courts (It continues, but we get the point.) Obviously I don't know as much when compared to some of the legal minds at TFL, but I think I agree with the majority ruling. My gut feeling is that if these "enemy combantants" are given a...
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    Students bring Confederate flag to school, can't attend graduation.

    Flag flap: confederate flag controversy keeps students from attending commencement Wow, even the ACLU is on their side. Then again, students never really had rights. The ACLU, in that bolded quote, makes a good point. However, first it's the gang bandanas, then it's the Confederate flags...
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    The DNC's idea of democracy: MI & FL primary voters = 1/2 a person (Story continues, but it's really boring) I suppose, as their own institution with their own crazy rules, the DNC can do whatever the... heck they want with their votes. Although I feel the voters in Michigan and Florida won't...
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    McCain gets to experience McCain-Feingold

    Don't you just hate it when your own laws come back to bite you in your old, wrinkly...hand? McCain exploring loopholes... awesome. Hopefully, conservatives in this country will finally accept that the Second Coming of Reagan (SCR) won't be happening. Sitting at home in discontentment, or gasp...
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    April 20th Approaching: What Will Happen This Time?

    I'm no believer of the astrology junk, but it seems bad things just gravitate around this time of the year. Some of it is self-fulfilling - as witnessed by the Columbine duo, who wanted to coincide their rampage with Hitler's birthday. April 16 - 1990: Dr. Kevorkian's first "assisted suicide."...
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    Shot fired at High School in Montgomery Co., MD

    A son of one of my coworkers goes to that school (Albert Einstein HS, not too far from DC proper). Appears that nobody is hurt. That son just got released from school minutes ago. Police Investigate Report Of Shot Fired At High School If there are any more bits of info I can get from my...
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    Those Freaking Protesters Have Gotten Me Trapped in this Building

    Right now, nobody is allowed in the office buildings on this block (including the one I'm in), on 15th near L, NW Washington D.C. Probably several other nearby blocks as well. You can go out, though. However, my car is parked in the garage in the adjacent building, which I'm not allowed to...
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    Jose Padilla convicted: 17 years

    Convicted terrorism supporter gets 17-year sentence (CNN) Kinda light for what we are told he was aiming to do, yeah? Some considerations & highlights from the story... Personally, I don't see the connection between being treated "harshly" in prison and getting a lighter sentence. Guess the...
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    Report: FBI finds 14 Blackwater killings unjustified

    Alright, who didn't see this coming? I'm wondering if this will be treated as an isolated incident, or will all the private security contractors in Iraq and elsewhere start filling out new resumes. Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama are gonna have a field day. Oh, and that 3rd place guy too... John...
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    Teacher sues to carry gun in classroom.

    Teacher who wants to pack a gun goes public Oh, what precedents this case can set! By the way, the 2AF the one that's helping to pay the bills. I found the legal mumbo jumbo on the lawyer's webpage for this case.
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    They want you to point this thing at your head.

    Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot. It's an 1873 SAA. Or is it? It's a blowdryer! Cock the hammer for your speed/ heat setting, aim it at your brain, and pull the trigger! No, really! I wonder if the trigger is all gritty and heavy and full of creep, or breaks like glass.
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    Talking about the Skull and Bones will get you tasered.

    Florida campus cops on leave after Taser incident Student heckler goes off on a diatribe during a John Kerry Q&A at U. Florida . Talks about Skull and Bones. And some other stuff. Gets dragged out by 5-0. Won't go quietly, but (watch the video) it's not like he's fighting back. Just being...
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    Larry Craig Resigns

    I'm taking excerpts CNN: Well-placed GOP sources: Craig likely to quit soon My thoughts: I say this has got to be the most telling thing Larry Craig has ever said. The not-so-subtle subtlety! Implying that "these kinds of things" are only done by gay people. Reading between these lines...
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    What do You do with those NRA Bumper Stickers?

    I dunno, I hesitate to stick them on my car because I don't want to advertise. It does bring up the question, "does the NRA really, really want you to advertise to the rest of the world that would-be robbers and rapists ought to shoot first and make demands later?" Or am I looking at it all...
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    Considering what's happening to THR, what's the future of TFL?

    First off, I'm not ripping on you THR guys. I know you're reading, anyway. I've always been more drawn to TFL for - of all reasons - its size. TFL is smaller. There are benefits. If I'm discussing/arguing a point with someone, I don't have to wade through a dozen other posts to find the...
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    I took apart my Ruger MkIII and I can't put it back together

    Let me start off by saying, I'm ashamed. It's fairly new, I suppose. It was the first time. It needed a cleaning. I mean, I've done it with a friend's MKII and it wasn't so bad. But with mine, it's been difficult. the barrel won't line up with the grip all the way, so I can't stick in that...