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  1. H

    Seafoam Deep Creep

    Is the lubricant in this stuff any good for a general cleaner and lubricant? Don't yell at me too much but cleaning isn't my best thing. I was thinking if this stuff works then I "might" do better. Is there another product that is better? Been using Otis cleaner/lubricant but I'm about out. I...
  2. H

    If you could only have two powders for reloading

    If you was forced to have just two powders for reloading, what would that be? I know they make a lot of different powders now for all kinds of different applications, but if you could only have two. My pick would be Universal and Unique. Those two cover more of what I reload for than any other...
  3. H

    29 Picture

    My one and only S/W. It's also my only .44 Mag and if I have anything to say about it, it won't be my last. But that's got to be approved by the boss, the wife that is. Not a super picture but what can you expect from a camera phone.
  4. H

    Tumbling final assembled cartage

    I have read several posts that talk about tumbling the final assembled rounds when reloading. Is there a good reason to do this or is it a waste of time. I would like your opinion.
  5. H

    Locking a Thread

    Can the standard Joe lock their own thread and if so how? Or is that something only the big guys can do.
  6. H

    Login Timeout

    Ya'll must have gone to a login timeout recently, is that true? Or did I just work faster before. lol Seems that what I used to be able to do was do a little browsing on your forums, switch to another site and then switch back and still be logged in. Now seems just a little time away causes...
  7. H

    Question About Tumblers

    Do some folks actually use tumblers like the ones used to smooth rocks, or are all tumblers really vibrator type? I'm assuming the term tumbler is because that is the action within the vibrator type that occurs rather than a true rock tumbler. Is that true? I know it's a dumb question but...
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    What kind of frame is a GP100? I mean is it a J, L or N. Or is a frame all it's own. And if it is one all it's own, which one is it closest too. Question came up in relation to holsters.
  9. H

    Why Is It

    Why is it, once I purchase a weapon, that's when I start reading and hearing about how bad it is. I bought a Taurus and started hearing and reading how bad they are. Got a Kimber, same thing. I'm thinking a getting a full size .45 Dan Wesson. Am I going to see the same thing then? Or...
  10. H

    Annealing Brass

    I see the phrase 'annealing brass' from time to time. What exactly does that mean and should I be doing it to my .22-250 brass. I know it has something to do with heat tempering. I get 5 or 6 good reloads on my brass now. Would I get more if annealed? This may sound like a dumb question of...