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  1. J

    "Locked" vs. "Deleted" and "the line"

    With the upfront admission that I'm merely curious, it's none of my business and nobody's life will be enhanced by the knowledge... What does a thread have to do to get "disappeared" as opposed to simply "locked"? It may be me worrying over my memory as I age but "disappeared" threads leave...
  2. J

    Phantom or orphan (maybe deleted) thread?

    I had posted a pic link and reference to a Famars Rombo 4 barrel shotgun in a thread about a 4 barrel derringer sort of thing. When I went back the thread was missing - first thought was that it had been deleted but I didn't recall it being the sort of thread that was heading for a lock, much...
  3. J

    Hammers doing weird things?

    Specifically, in heavy-recoiling revolvers, do they go rearward nearly to the full cock position just from recoil or inertia when the recoil impulse is stopped by the shooter's hands? (Kinda like "self-cocking" except the trigger is rearward so the sear couldn't engage) I always thought a...
  4. J

    .45ACP in a revolver? Because it's teh suxor?

    OK. So maybe not. I thought I'd post a new thread rather than necro the "because it's a match made in heaven" thread as the latter has gone 3 pages and is a little old. I'm sure it is a match made in heaven if I knew what I was doing. But... What am I doing wrong? It's this tool...
  5. J

    To those of you that bought new USFA revolvers...

    ...this will seem like a boneheaded question but how'd you get them? I noticed they're offering a 100.00 rebate on new SAs but my local shop says he's given up on getting a call back. On the assumption that he's just grousing I call USFA and, sure enough, all that's there is a recording. Does...
  6. J

    Too many choices - .357 and .41

    I'm expanding my noobish repertoire to include .357 and .41 mag. Unlike 12Ga trap loads and Cowboy mousefatulance, the choice of powders is proving overwhelming. If the objective is the duplication of factory loads, say Winchester "X", what's a good powder to start with? Secondary objective...
  7. J

    n00b turret questions

    I was looking to expand the number of chamberings I reload to include .357 and .41 mag. Currently I have a mini-progressive for .45 Colt that I'd rather not fiddle with changing toolheads on. Lurking about this forum got me looking at the Lee 4-holer. Questions: It looks like changing...
  8. J

    Old S&W clone?

    A buddy came up with an "attic find": an apparent copy of a S&W model 10 in .32 long. No pics but it looks almost exactly like the top photo from Max Popenker's site here: The grips, possibly a brown plastic, appear more like the c. 1941 photo while the...
  9. J

    Discontinued Bench

    Being "home improvement challenged" I find myself wanting to buy a reloading bench. I understand Dillon used to sell one up till around 3 years ago - does anybody have a picture of this thing that I could use for inspiration? TIA.
  10. J

    Can the "ignore" function be reversed?

    Forum software question: I'd like to print a thread with the posts of a specific user filtered out. I couldn't locate a "filter" function and, although the "ignore" feature would work, I only want it active for the time needed to print the one thread. TIA?
  11. J

    Blaser R93 modularity

    When I first saw a R93, is looked kinda "funny" to me (at least in its 2 piece wood stock incarnation), but I find it's growing on me. Couple of questions: The synthetic stock appears to be a one-piece affair, while the wood stocked versions are two-piece. Is the receiver the same in both...
  12. J

    Kinda newbie 1911 question

    After getting "hooked" on 1911's recently, I tried to satisfy some curiosty on the history of the beast. The changes from the 1911 to 1911A1 were easy to find - seems most modern versions incorporate all the "A1" mods. Except one. Why did the arched mainspring housing fall out of favor? I...
  13. J

    DC Murderer - .223 Fired Case ?

    My apologies up front is this is a duplicate. There's been a rash of photos detailing the "Chevy Sniper Platform" that allowed someone to take shots without ever leaving the inside of the trunk / fold down rear seat. But I haven't seen any conjecture on why fired .223 casings were found at...