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  1. R

    Tinfoil Hat time .. RIFID chips in firearms

    Ok i admit i was bored this morning and over looking over a hk fanboy board when i ran across this thread Possible RFID or other chip location HK45C..... - HKPRO Forums Summery of it is that it seems HK is now putting rifid chips on SOME polymer handguns , specifically LE and mil sales ...
  2. R

    1911 fanatical purists only NM midrange .

    Ok guys a curiosity question that is hard to answer , and with a kicker . I wont post this in guns for sale since its not my gun but a buds . What is a NM mid range .38 spec worth in your area . ? The reason i ask is that i was approached today by a bud who is not real computer savvy to assist...
  3. R

    Weekend with the S & W rep

    I just spent an enjoyable weekend with our S&W sales rep ( he came down to hunt and brought a few toys from the lineup . After a suitable amount of arm twisting by him I did concede and agree to burn up a bit of Smiths ammo and a few of his pre made ( no I don't know where he got them )...