Search results

  1. C

    Get off line to clear advertisements

    When I come into TFL I click on New Posts and get a screen of advertisements. Okay, so you have ads. I don’t mind advertisements. It’s a way of supporting the site. However, the only way I can get away from that screen of ads is to get off line and then come back. This second time I don’t...
  2. C

    Gun Related Scavenger Hunt

    This concerns concealed carry so it should fit in Tactics & Training (I hope). I was perusing some recent magazines before putting these onto the archive shelves. I keep National Geographic, Scientific American, and Smithsonian Magazine until I run out of room (Doesn’t everyone?), at which time...
  3. C

    Resurrecting old threads

    Does it frustrate you to see a “new” thread with a new post of today or yesterday and when you click on it to see what new thing has come up you read through a couple of posts and then happen to notice it was started months or years ago? Perhaps you find you have even posted to it back then. :(
  4. C

    Texas Gun Talk forums

    Is anyone else having trouble with TexasGunTalk? I cannot log in because there is no place shown on my screen to enter my password.
  5. C

    Dry firing breaks pin

    I have always heard that dry firing will eventually break the firing pin but I’ve never actually seen one broken this way nor actually know of a specific case of this. How many of you have first hand knowledge of this happening?
  6. C

    The best air-rifle available?

    I want an air rifle for plinking and target shooting, also powerful enough for small game. I’m unfamiliar with air-rifles except for a low-cost Benjamin bought years ago, which I no longer have. I want a hand-operated pump-up, or, perhaps, a spring driven. Price is not all that much a factor...
  7. C

    Large bore rimfire rifle

    Many years ago, 1948, I saw a rifle in the attic of an older gentleman which seemed very odd (the rifle, not him or the attic). Even then the rifle was very old. It used a cartridge similar in size to a .44-70 and was rimfire. It had the general appearance of a military rifle; much like an M1A...
  8. C

    Breaking news-- shooting kills 8

    Mass shooting in Virginia. Eight dead. On MSNBC News. APPOMATTOX, Va. -Police with dogs and heat-sensing equipment hunted for a man they say shot eight people to death Tuesday and then nearly took down a police helicopter that was trying to flush him out of the woods near this central Virginia...
  9. C

    Animal IQ & Gun Sense

    I believe we don’t always give animals proper credit for their intelligence. When I began clearing a house site there was an old logging road as the only access. I put in a new driveway which intersected the old road, making the finished access a Y with the old road downhill and no longer used...
  10. C

    CCW gun recoil objections.

    I read many comments about why one should NOT get a small (insert name) for self-defense because it’s too light, the cartridge is too powerful, and the recoil will be awful. “A day at the range with one of those will leave your hands bleeding and raw!” Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t the...
  11. C

    Lb/Ft vs Ft/Lb for Ballistics.

    Let’s please don’t let this turn into a ‘tis, ‘taint, ‘tis, ‘taint discussion. I’m asking a question and truly want to find out the answer. To keep this gun related let’s consider the values given for various cartridges. Unless it’s a valid comparison for your example let’s leave the V-8 in...
  12. C

    Defensive Driving

    Moderators, Can we create a sticky on defensive driving? There has already been a thread on this back in August but most of it is about what kind of vehicle someone has that can out run, out push, or out damage a perp’s car. Also a lot of comments about staying calm, don’t flip someone, don’t...
  13. C

    Perfect Legal Advice???

    I am amazed at persons who will come into an internet forum and ask for legal advice; especially a forum dealing with firearms and the possibility of shooting someone. I am even more amazed, when these persons ask for this advice, by those who will jump in and start offering it, other than...
  14. C

    Fortunately no Ka-Boom and a lesson learned.

    I had the g-kids out to the farm for a day of shooting. Wasn’t going to use the expensive factory new stuff so I used some reloads from a professional reload company. My grandson was doing a double-tap and one round “squirted” trash out the side of the revolver. Thanks be to God he realized...
  15. C


    I'm a newbie to this forum. I've lurked for a couple of months to learn from the experiences of others. I've picked up a lot of good info and believe this forum has a lot of very good people on it. However, I've also noted some very un-diplomatic remarks when someone disagrees with another...