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  1. S

    Anyone ever break their shooting wrist before?

    I broke my wrist on the 12th of december in a motorcycling accident and had to get surgery on the 23rd to fix it. Plate and six screws on the radius. Not fun, I'd not recommend it. Anyway so here we are, almost march. I'm currently doing PT and regaining range of motion and strength back in my...
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    Just picked up a Kimber Custom II yesterday...

    Holy Crap! My first foray into auto pistols, and i am IMPRESSED!!! It definitley shoots better than I do, and only one hangup while shooting, didnt return to battery for some reason out of 150 rounds total. Granted I was shooting at 7 yards supported, but still! Even unsupported, with tired...
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    For any of you guys who liked legos..

    Very much gun related. I hope. This guy could make a killing selling the plans to Lego or the public! For geeks like me!
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    Question for the Vets

    Hey Guys. First I'd like to start off with many thanks for your service to our great country! My question comes to mind after seeing a photo of an American GI late in WWII carrying an StG 44. I was curious to the Vietnam Vets, if there were guys that would curse their M16 and leave it in the...
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    AK74 questions

    Hey guys, I searched the forum a checked out the net, and I still have some questions on getting a 74. Am i correct that the Bulgarian ones tend to be the best? As well as the Polish Tantals if i want I wire stock? It doesn't look very easy to get a decent cheek weld on that wire stock though...
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    Speaking of SxS shotguns...

    I was looking through the tacticool stoeger shotgun thread, after being interested for quite a while about aquiring a coachgun. I'm interested in the Baikal MP220F, the 20" SxS with external hammers. I'm just curious as to what their going rate is these days, NIB? I'm thinking around $350 give...
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    Enfield and remington 700 questions.

    I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone. So there's a gunshow coming up in about 10 days here, and i've been itching to pick up an Enfield no.4 for a while now. I'm not sure exactly what to look for though, despite the research I've been doing on it. The only thing I gleaned from that was...
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    IWB holster for 3" SP101?

    So I've been looking through the various holster threads and SP101 threads until my eyes crossed, but I can't for the life of me find any IWB holsters that aren't for compact semi-autos. Does anyone know of a decent IWB holster for the 3" SP101? Granted it's not the easiest gun to conceal, but...
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    Two dead in foiled home invasion Shontel Lee Early, 30, and Wesley Oran Fenstermacher, 29, were shot and killed by a 23-year-old UA student early this morning in an attempted home invasion near the...
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    First disassembly of rem 597 and already have problems

    I picked up a remmy 597 last nite along with a brick of federal 36gn to fill my .22 rifle needs. At the range today the action performed flawlessly: no jams, ftf, fte, or anything of the sort over ~300 rounds, but the accurancy was.. well dismal to say the least. I don't know if it was the...
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    Pizza Hut Delivery Man Suspended For Carrying Gun On Job (NEWS) Not that i ever liked their pizza before, but i certianly won't be buying from them anymore until they change their policies :mad:
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    Got my CCW!

    As some of you may remember, i got my class A in Mass last year with a restriction of no CCW, because my police chief (it's at his discretion) said no. He did say though, to come back in a while (read: about a year) and prove that i could do it. Well since then, i joined the local gun club...
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    Shooting animals for the sake of shooting them?

    Just reading through a thread in another part of the forum made me wonder: Are people really afraid of coyotes, or are they just looking for quick justification to have something alive to shoot at? Certain things that were said really touched a nerve in me, and it made me realize that it's no...
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    Is reloading paying you guys off these days?

    Hey guys. I was thinking of getting into relaoding soon, but what with the price of just aobut anything gun related going out of control, it looks like for the time being, reloading is MORE expensive than the surplus stuff I was getting. I wanted to reload for my M1, but after doing the math, it...
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    My first..erm.. MODERN wheelgun!

    Hey guys! Just wanna let ya know i'm the proud new owner of an SP101 3"!! I'm so impressed with this gun, i thought that those .357 rounds we're going to bite a lot more than they did! i know What i'll be loading up with for SD. Pardon my terrible camera skills :barf:
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    Am I a wimp?

    so my problem is that I can't stand the recoil of my .243 out of a remington 700. My M1 is better but that's because its gas operated and heavy. But whenever I shoot that 243 or the 12 gauge turkey gun, ican only get through about 10 shots before I just need to put the damn thing down. im going...
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    Fianlly bought a Garand!

    Hey guys. I finally bought myself an M1 Garand, my favorite battle rifle ever. I think i got a good deal on it, its a harrington & richardson made in 55, and its in real nice condition. Couple of quick questions, 1: I need an extractor spring and plunger, where can i find one and 2: where can...
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    So how to convince my police chief not to restrict my LTC-A

    I had high hopes that this small town in Massachusetts was rural enough (2 part time police officers. Seriously) that the police chief would be pretty leinient about CCW. I was wrong. When I put in my application at the police station, the secretary lady took my fingerprints, information, yadda...
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    I sure do love Massachusetts...

    Hey guys first post here. You all seem pretty levelheaded here so maybe i can get some opinions. I am going to get my class A LTC in a few weeks here (after jumping though a few flamng hoops and wresting a hungry lion down, then paying $200...) and I was lurking around the site about what would...