Search results

  1. C

    Model 10 Parts Interchangeability

    Hey all, I've searched high and low, but can't find an answer. Are the slotted hammer noses (spring-loaded) designed for later M10s the same dimensionally as the original hammer noses for earlier revolvers? Can you fit a new nose to an old gun and just have a unused slot in the hammer? My...
  2. C

    Production All-Around Gun

    So I'm posing the question for you all about an all-around gun. I know this has been beat to death, and I don't know if my criteria exist in a given weapon. I want a light-weight rifle that will handle everything from coyotes to black bear, but has the ability to be fur-friendly with...
  3. C

    Sunday October 13th

    I figured I'd share my pain from Sunday the 13th. Today was a day of...incidents. My dad and I hiked in 1/2 hour to a hunting spot, only to find out that the lens of my scope had FALLEN OUT on the way up there...or somewhere. I just happened to check the scope to see how the light...
  4. C

    12 Gauge Coyote Round

    Hey all, I have a Remington Wingmaster 2 3/4" 12 gauge. I'm attempting to find a coyote load other than slugs that will work for this bad boy. Thus far, I've tried #1 buck from Remington, but it patterned like crap with the chokes I have. The 00 Federal buck was much better, and would...
  5. C

    Coyote Slug

    Well, I was out with my buddy, bear hunting last weekend, and we got skunked. There was no fresh sign despite tons of food and low hunting pressure. We sat in a canyon bottom by some water one evening, just to try calling for giggles and to see what happened. I had my 12 gauge with me, as...
  6. C

    Finding a Surplus 4895 Load .270 130 SST

    Hey all, I have about 6 pounds of 4895 that seems too fast. I'm getting pressure signs at minimum loads, and it seems faster than normal. Judging from my experiments in .270 with 130 SSTs, I have found that my rifle likes a load about .5 grains below published minimums. I know, I know...but...
  7. C

    NM Hunts are Out

    Hey all, those fellow NMers here should check their hunts to see if they drew. I got the first bull rifle hunt in 6C! Should be exciting.
  8. C

    Spring Turkey

    Well, I got my pot call in the mail, and for the first time, I'm going for spring Turkey. I'm very excited! It starts April 15 here...just around the corner. I have some practicing to do, though.
  9. C

    Wrong Forum? SBR Contender Black Powder

    Ok, so contender and encores are firearms by ATF definition. If I were to put a contender or encore ML barrel on a frame stocked for a rifle, would it be legal in your opinion. I understand you're not lawyers, etc. I don't have any of the components yet, but would like an opinion before I go...
  10. C

    Muzzleloading .50 TC Hawken

    Hello all, I shot my ML for the first time in years, and man was it fun. I don't know why the ole black powder rifle has been neglected. Now that the ammo crisis is here for a while, I find that these components are available. I think I need a thicker patch, though. In the T/C they...
  11. C

    Squirrel Dog

    Ok, I'm a native New Mexican. Anyone around here would just look at me sideways if I mentioned a "squirrel dog" or "turkey dog." Admitting the problem is the first step to a cure. What breeds and what kind of training is involved to make a good squirrel dog. Retrieving isn't really a...
  12. C

    New Shotgun

    Hello all. I know the ammo thing is kind of a dead horse beaten, warmed over, and beaten again, so let's just say I want a 20 gauge. That ammo is everywhere. I'm looking at the options out there, and I'm a little confused. I have a '70-something era 870 that I love in 12 gauge. However, I...
  13. C

    Oh Boy: Lots of BP Questions.

    Hello all, I have decided to switch to BP this year, as I'm sick and tired of all the ammo panic, and have decided to go with traditional hunts only. I only have one BP weapon, an old TC Hawken .50 that my dad built for me years ago. I have some questions about BP hunting, as I haven't shot...
  14. C

    Air pistol

    Hey all, I'm wondering who of you out there hunt with an air pistol. I'm considering getting one for practice, but one with enough pop to take rabbits and other small game at close range. Any ideas out there? Thanks, Ben
  15. C

    Good Guy Lists vs. Bad Guy Lists

    Hey all, At the end of this message is a link to an article where I got this information. Basically, this is in response to a bunch of threads where people mention universal background checks. I like this guy's approach to gun laws. There's going to be something passed, and I personally...
  16. C

    H&R 622

    Hey all, I was looking for a truck/woods beater that I didn't care about getting rusty, scratched, etc. I absolutely love my 50th anniversary MK II, but it's sooooo purdy, I don't want to mar the finish with holster wear or my clumsy butt landing on it. The price of all guns has gone up...
  17. C

    Shifting Weapons

    Well, it's no secret that there is an ammo shortage. Whether it's real or manufactured is the subject of a different post. I think I'm going to give the stick and string a go this year. I think I may even go old school and choose either the PSE Vector or the old Bear Kodiak. Anyone else...
  18. C

    S/A big bore?

    Ok, I'm not exactly new to single actions, but I'm new to anything bigger than .357 in single actions. I'd like something, and am not worried about ammo cost. What's out there in .41, .44, or .45 persuasions that are the best buy in your opinions? I'd like something with a bit more thump, and...
  19. C

    Papa's B-Day Gift--Nagant

    Papa (my father in law) has a birthday on Friday, and we got his present in last night. The new revolver is actually rather impressive for a Russian piece. I may have to pick one up for myself. The ammo isn't dirt cheap, but it's cheaper than a lot of ammo out there. I think it would...
  20. C

    Redhawk Contender holster?

    Will one of the universal holsters for a Ruger Redhawk fit a TC contender of similar length with iron sights?