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  1. W

    Are there documented cases where a SA pistol was to blame

    What I want to know is are there documented cases of people shooting someone accidentally while using a SA gun because of the short pull? I don't care if it is Leo's or civilians or military. Thank You
  2. W

    Good News, Obama not reinstating ban

    ABC has wasted a lot of air time. Looks like the anti's big push right now is going no where, at least I hope.
  3. W

    Missouri ok's cc on campus Please vote on poll

    We were losing badly but are barely ahead now. The poll question is on the right a little ways down.
  4. W

    Health Rationing for Seniors

    This isn't firearms related however it is socialism related. This is where the Obama clan is taking us: I'm sure this is just one small part of the whole plan. It's no joke. Mods if this is...
  5. W

    Did the military have a 1911 style .22?

    I ask because my daughters pitching coach told me his dad got this gun in 1958 from a sailor. Did Colt make some .22s for training? If you know where I can learn it's value that info would also be appreciated. Thanks