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    Another Cautionary Note

    My keg of WC 820 is gone. I had developed a nearly identical to GI ammo load for 30 Carbine with it. It's gone. Nor does there seem to be any more available right now. (Since 30 Carbine is officially gone from the U. S. Armed Forces inventory, there may never be any more surplus. Sigh...)...
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    New Pistol Report

    I bought a H&K USP Compact (.40 S&W) last week. Full report at my blog site listed below.
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    I think I have 'the setup'...

    I am really not such a shotgun fellow. I have a couple, but really don't understand them, except in short barrels shooting heavy buckshot or slugs. Several years ago, I bought an all black (with Evil Black Plastic furniture) Remington 870 "Police Special" or some-such sales gimmick. I was...
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    Another 'When was it made?" question

    I've searched all over the site and some number of websites. I have a Marlin 39 from my Dad. It is NOT a 39A. It's been well used and will continue to be used. The serial number is 30XX. That's all. Four digits, no prefix, no suffix, no one left on base. I've narrowed it down to being...
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    Serious Movie Firearm Problem

    I just saw the movie about the Origin of Wolverine. It's pretty good, typical evil government, special effects, revenge and destruction plot, but a good story line and believable once the unbelievable is allowed. However, there is a problem - technical problem - with firearms in the movie...
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    Twist Rate references?

    Anyone have information on a collection of factory rifling twist rates for major firearm manufacturers? I'm working on a project and am trying to save myself the effort of 're-inventing the wheel' in this regard. I suppose if I must, I'll have to start writing to various manufacturers. Anyone...
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    I Scored!

    For sad reasons, I parted with the Combat Magnum I had in 1983. I've been looking to replace it for awhile, but never found the right one... Then for the last three years or so, I haven't seen one offered for sale in either local gunshops or gun shows in the Los Angeles County area. (I am...
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    I Scored!

    Today I found and purchased a Model 1955 Target Revolver - or a Model 25 for the younger crowd. This is an old pinned barrel gun. I've had one or two and somehow got rid of them. This one I'll keep. Something about a double action .45 ACP revolver that satifies the soul. Now I have to do...
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    Need to rant.

    Watched CSI last Thursday night. Good show, good scripts, good actors and so forth. However, this time, they show 'doc' doing an autopsy and pulling a bullet from the late lamented. It's a FMJ pistol looking thing. The murder weapon is identified as a .32 ACP. But later, when the bullet is...
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    Rules for a Gunfight...

    Just as a matter of preparation, check these. Please feel free to discuss and suggest. ***************************************************** Rules for a Gunfight (Individual, not military circumstances) 1. Have a gun. Yeah, it's obvious but still worth repeating; if you don’t have one, you...
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    Judiciary Given Laws

    SCOTUS recently wrote a new law, or perhaps Constitutional change. They decided it was now illegal to execute a person for a capital crime committed under the age of 18 years. That is 'new' - whether one calls it a law, and amendment, or just policy. What is even more egregious is the...
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    I think I have discovered why liberals do not like guns and shooting.

    Caution: Heavy Satire content. Much of the basis of liberal thought is based on 'contextual viability'. That is, the applicability of anything, either premise or action, depends on how that premise or action is perceived and received by the world in context. F'rinstance, Ms. Jones in the US...
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    Any knowledge of

    "Roscoe" revolvers from Germany? Eight shot 22 lr revolver. No statement of "East" or "West" Germany so it's recent or pre WWII. Any sightings?
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    New Word of the Day:

    kakistocracy | kak-uh-STAH-kruh-see | noun: government by the worst people. Fr'instance, the legislature of the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of California. (If you don't think this is gun related, you're not paying attention.)
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    Have to share....

    just started the purchasing proceedure for an old pistol I found. A Colt Targetsman (Woodsman variant), in the original box. The box hasn't been handled much. The original owner bought it new in 1969 (tag still on box) and fired 20 rounds through it. It's been in the box, wrapped in a...
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    Heavy Bullets in a .22-250?

    Okay folks, I'm stumped. I have a Remington 700 varmint rifle in .22-250 with 1-14 twist. It does real well with 52 and 55 grain bullets. I bought some 69 grain Sierras, as I'm a heavy bullet fan. According to all the formulae I find, these things should be stabilizing at about 3000 f/s or...
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    Too good to pass on.......

    Reported in the June 2002 "Police" magazine..... While on vacation at the Maasai Mata Hotel in Kenya, an off duty policeman (unidentified) was attacked by a rogue elephant. The elephant took exception to a pickup game of soccer and charged the players. The officer stood his ground, waving...
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    Oooohh, the pain!!!!!

    Whilst on vacation in Oregon last week, I went to a gun show with a friend. Aside from the rifles (not currently legal in the People's Democtratic Socialist Republic of California), I found several Smiths from the old days. All pinned barrel revolvers, one blue, 4", M19; one nickel, 2.5" M19...
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    The magic still works!!!

    I finally got to shoot my newly acquired nickel 44 Magnum S&W M29 yesterday (28th May.) 240 grain cast bullet (Nevada bullets, I think) over 17.7 grains of 2400. It's .3 less than the starting load from my Speer book, but I figured it'd be okay. First three shots did a cloverleaf at 25 yards...
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    Well, I'm back...

    in the 44 Magnum business. Found a used, nice 6 inch nickle plated M29 Smith & Wesson today. I can pick it up in 10, if His Leftness the Governor deems me suitable. Pictures when I get the revolver and my scanner working at the same time.