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  1. K

    Handgun left in Potty! Here's one us senior shooters can identify with, even some of you youngin's. 80 year old man took off his 45 and left it on the toilet tank! In a casino! I guess he will spend the rest of his natural life...
  2. K

    NRA Champ uses AR based rifle.

    6mm Hagar? Well this should end the AK/AR debate. OK maybe not:D
  3. K

    Ban 7.62x39 ammo!!!

    No 7.62x39 I have the best solution to this crisis! Have the US Government buy up all the 7.62x39 and give it to the CMP to destroy:D
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    Gold Cup Night Sights

    Anyone in TFL land ever tried to mount night sights on a Colt Gold Cup? I'm talking about the models with Eliason sights, not the newer models with Bomars. What and how did you do it?
  5. K

    Everyone has an 9mm These folks are consultants to the Pentagon no less!:eek:
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    Hearing Protection and the Military

    Apparently some folks in the Spec Ops community finally have a clue: Having some minor hearing loss and Tinnitus from my stint in the Army, and having used noise suppression systems when shooting, it is amazing to me that someone took...
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    PA Gov signs pro CCW law!!! Watch out for flying Pigs!!!:eek:
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    New torture scandal in IRAQ
  9. K

    Shoot an AK47....

    ....and get arrested! Only in Noo Yawk:barf:
  10. K

    (PA)For those who think...

    their vote does not count! The Democrats have taken control of the Pennsylvania House by 23 votes!!!!!! 102 to 101! I am still trying to assess the impact on gun rights. We have an Anti Governor in Rendell and a boatload of new state senators...
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    Who got an NRA ballot

    And who are you voting for? For all you folks who constantly complain about the NRA, here is a chance to do something about it.
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    New Remington Shotgun

    I am absolutely amazed that Shot Show attendees and writers totally missed this new gun from Remington. Bruce Buck has a video on it at his blog Shotgun Report. Click on Shot Show 2006 Remington 105cti. The video is quite long and some of the sound poor but it...
  13. K

    Supreme Court and Guns

    Now that the confirmation circus is done and Alito is on the court, do you think we have a pro second amendment Court?
  14. K

    100 years and still the top dawg..

    ...the 30-06 of course! Still the best all around centerfire cartridge. :D Who wants to argue:p Yeah yeah I know, it was actually developed in 03 blah blah blah....It is still the best.
  15. K

    Rep Murtha and Iraq

    I spent most of Friday afternoon and evening watching the U S House circus on TV (C span) Most of you folks by now have heard about the House voting down a resolution callinf for troop withdrawa from Iraq. Like many I am puzzled why the House would get into this Brouhaha now. Why did Murtha...
  16. K

    Ithaca shuts doors!

    Another great american name in trouble: :( Ithaca Gun loses buyer, closes its doors By Louise Hoffman Broach / The Citizen AUBURN - It was late May and Ithaca Gun Co.'s future finally looked promising. Andrew Gibson, the company's...
  17. K

    Bystander Killed by Officers...

    Really sad example of "Suicide by Cop" gone wrong: 05/27/2005 Mom died saving girl By Brian Clark and Josh Brodesky STAFF WRITERs Erin Dermody was killed trying to protect her 6-year-old daughter...
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    Shotgun Barrels

    Found this site while surfing through the Remington website. Remington lists them as parts suppliers for discontinued models. They seem to have a nice selection of barrels although I personally have no experience with them. Might be a place to find that barrel...
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    Grace under pressure...

    Somebody in one of the gun mags...may have even been SWAT...once remarked "Expect the unexpected" I had to learn this the hard way the other day. It was around 11PM and cold outside, 1.7 degrees F said my indoor/outdoor thermometer. Snow all over. When my dog decides it is time for her evening...
  20. K

    Good buy Rem 870

    Received a flyer from Gander Mountain this weekend. They have a Rem 870 express with camo stock, 21" choke tube BBL with turkey choke and 23" caltilever rifled barrel for $349.00 If I did not have a cabinet full of 870's and others I would consider this. Good combo for hunters. Checking...