Search results

  1. J

    W.E. Fairbairn and Rex Applegate

    That whole period in history is quite fascinating. Fairbairn's techniques for employing the handgun have been superseded by more modern techniques, but the history of the Shanghai Municipal Police and how and why those techniques were developed is very interesting. William Fairbairn instructed...
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    recommended book on self defense shooting

    I just got this one and I've been reading parts the last few days and I'm quite impressed so far. The book is Shooting to Survive: How to fight with a pistol by Timothy Blakeley. It's kind of an encyclopedia of shooting techniques and it's pretty comprehensive. It does seem to focus on the...
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    Coaching problem shooters

    I had opportunity to do a little informal coaching with a few shooters who were having problems last week. One was a girl who works at my police department. She practices occasionally but hadn't shot since around Thanksgiving. One is a girl who used to work with us who recently transferred to...
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    Carrying concealed means "concealed"

    Yesterday I was returning home from a trip out west with my Dad. We were fueling up in Dakota, Minnesota and there was some goof walking around wearing a blue t-shirt that said "keep calm & carry guns" and the bottom of his holster was sticking out below his shirt. Couldn't for sure tell what...
  5. J

    I bought a new gun -- Kahr T9

    I bought another gun. This one was unplanned but the deal was too good to pass up. I have a friend who had a very slightly used Kahr T9, the larger frame Kahr with a steel frame. It has always intrigued me. When he wanted to sell the gun and 5 magazines, and his interest in selling coincided...
  6. J

    Springfield M1911A1 in 9mm

    So I just bought a new gun. A slightly used Springfield M1911A1 in 9mm. 4 digit serial number with no prefix. Probably about a dozen years old. For $600. The previous owner had installed big adjustable sights which I am having removed and replaced with high visibility fixed sights. Other than...
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    how to lose your CCW permit

    An incident just investigated by my police department. Public employee with a valid CCW permit working in a public building. The permit holder has some kind of Smith & Wesson 9mm auto pistol. He uses the rest room and elects to take the gun out of the holster and hang it on the coat hook on the...
  8. J

    make sure your basic skills are good before beginning to shoot in competition

    Make sure that your basic safety & marksmanship & gun handling skills are reasonably well developed before you attempt to shoot IPSC/USPSA or IDPA type matches. Safety is a major concern. Some people get way too nervous at their first few matches and forget about keeping their finger off the...
  9. J

    Taurus 94 .22 cal revolver

    One of my friends recently got his CCW permit and now frequently carries a S&W 642 .38 revolver for self defense. He was looking for a .22 revolver with similar ergonomics to use as a practice gun. .22 ammo is lots cheaper than .38 ammo. It would seem that some variety of the Taurus 94 .22...
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    Dealing with the police

    A tip to the unaware or unfamiliar in dealing with the police: first of all, know who the police are! Know the difference between the city police, the county sheriff's department and the state troopers. They have slightly different but overlapping jurisdictions. Their cars are probably painted...
  11. J

    Recommendations on full moon clip holders?

    For those carrying a .45 ACP revolver with full moon clips, what kind of carrier do you find works best for the spare ammo? I have some full moon clip holders that are made of steel and snap over the belt and they work (sort-of) but I'd like to find something that worked better. I'm familiar...
  12. J

    S&W Military & Police .22 pistol

    Does anybody out there have any experience with the S&W M&P in .22? I have a bunch of .22 conversion units for various handguns and my AR-15 and AK-47. I like to do my "routine" skill maintenance practice with the .22 on NRA B-34 reduced targets @ 50 feet because it's cheaper. I don't (yet)...
  13. J

    use of strobe light while searching

    Last week I attended a local class on shooting in low light. The instructors were trained by Strategos International a few years ago. The class was an interesting mix of live fire and building search scenarios accomplished with AirSoft guns. We had an opportunity to test out a variety of...
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    AAR for YFA Carbine & Handgun Class

    After Action Report (AAR) for Yavapai Firearms Academy Carbine & Handgun Course 28-29-30 August 2009 Boone County Sheriff's Office, Lebanon, Indiana At the end of August I traveled to the Boone County Sheriff's Office in Lebanon, Indiana to attend a Carbine/Handgun training course instructed...
  15. J

    How to track proposed Federal Legislation

    Check out You can use this website to track the status of legislation in the House of Representatives and the Senate. Most states have a similar service available on the state or legislative website. "Gov Track" is particularly easy to use.
  16. J

    serial number location S&W Model 1-1/2

    One of my friends just inherited some miscellaneous guns from a relative. One of the guns is a Smith & Wesson Model 1-1/2 in (I think) .32 rimfire. We've looked all over and can't find a serial number. There is a 5 digit number on the cylinder. Does anybody know where we should be looking?
  17. J

    Sig .22 conversion unit

    I received my Sig .22 conversion unit for the P226 pistol on Monday June 30th. The two vendors that seem to have the units consistently in stock right now are TOP GUN SUPPLY and SCOTTSDALE GUN CLUB. or I carry a Sig 226R-DAK in...
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    How accurate is "accurate"? How much accuracy do you need?

    "How accurate is accurate? Since the objective to shooting is hitting, the answer to the question lies within the size of the target at a specific distance along with the intrinsic capabilities of the pistol and ammunition combination. Added to this is the ability of the shooter to effectively...
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    cleaning recoil compensator on open class gun

    I borrowed a friend's compensated "open" class gun to try out. I have always competed with my duty gun from work, but I have one lonley "open" classifier score in my USPSA file from a 1994 , so I decided I should shoot a special classifier match at a local club in January with an open class...
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    CCW in Texas: 10 years later

    The Concealed Handgun Law: Ten Years Later Published: 1/6/2006 By Commissioner Jerry Patterson When the Texas Concealed Handgun Law took effect in 1996, pundits and naysayers predicted anarchy. Any minute, there would surely be mass violence as armed Texas citizens began roving the streets...