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  1. G

    I just HAD to go to the Gun show.....

    Last week, someone posted a local gun show ad in my timeline.... I had nothing better to do so I went, to the local Elks .... just to see you know... $900.00 later I'm kicking rocks.... Just a little gun show... what could they have.... well they had some pretty neat chemical heating pads, one...
  2. G

    Lightning strikes twice

    There have been a couple of threads discussing the quality of manufacture factory sevice. I recanted how I sent an old beater "Highway Patrolman" to S&W for a timing issue, and refinishing. After some time they sent me a brand new gun. A model 28. Having paid like $200. for the beater I ended up...
  3. G

    Speaking of Trigger guards

    Perhaps one of you learned gentlemen, or ladies can answer a question thats had me stumped. I own two Kahr pistol's One polymer in .40S&W, and a steel one in 9MM. My issue is this. WHAT??? is with that bump in the middle of the trigger guard? Everyone I know who ownes one complains about it. It...
  4. G

    OK so I went to a gun show.

    OK so I went to a gun show today. A little local show in Ft Lauderdale with about 50, or 60 vendors. Mostly private collectors, and a few small mom n pop stores. This is one of those old time show's where most people know each other, and trade back n forth. I promised myself I would limit my...
  5. G

    Danger close

    OK Thats a term I have been hearing lately. I believe that it comes from the military, but I'm not sure. I like it. In fact I like it so much I'm going to start using it in my raving. ranting, and ramblings. I see DANGER CLOSE as a relitive term to describe a pending danger, and a gauge for...
  6. G

    Combat Reload

    I was taught to reload my revolver under combat conditions. The procedure is simple. watch your adversary, dont look at your gun. Break open the cylinder with your weak hand, keeping your weak thumb on top of a chamber. At the same time draw speedloader with strong hand placing strong index...