Search results

  1. E

    GSG MP5 replica .22 rifle

    Has anyone fired one of these before? I was looking for a .22 plinker, and saw it among other replicas, (AKs, M16s, etc.) and thought it was so cool! .22 shooting is a lot cheaper than getting .223 or 7.62 ammo, or 9mm for that matter. As a gun to shoot just for target practice, is it as good...
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    Body Armor in NY

    I work in security and I regularly wear a vest to work. Last week a sheriff's deputy I sometimes work with noticed I had it on and stated she didn't think it was legal since new legislation that was just passed. I didn't hear anything about that. As far as I know it's completely legal for a...
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    When and when not to call police

    Simple scenario: You hear a noise late at night while asleep in your bed. Is someone in your house? What do you do? The smart answer is to call 911 before anything else. To grab your gun first, all full of bravado is foolish. But what if the noise was nothing? Just the wind outside or...
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    New BUG

    I was thinking about something in the way of a new back up gun and really like the look and specs of the Sig 290. Sig Sauer's reputation precedes itself, so I'm sure it's a quality weapon, but it's likely I'll pay an arm and a leg for it. So maybe something comparable that would save me a few...
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    what duty holster is best?

    I carry a full size .40 Ruger for work as armed security. None of my gear is issued and right now I used a Galco Cop3 leather holster. It's ok and I have no complaints, but I'm curious about what else is out there. I just don't trust pancake holster or Fobus holsters, but I'm listening...
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    clearing the house

    A thought occurred to me as I pondered if I ever had to clear the house during a break in. What would I do if I caught one BG, made him get on the floor while I call the police, and then heard his partner somewhere in the house. I concluded that if I ever am woken up in the wee hours the...
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    old question, but...

    Does dry firing a revolver hurt the gun? I know with autos it depends, but I'm actually new to wheel guns so I'll ask the newbie question.
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    I just got mine in a 4" barrel and was told that it's rare and they are typically snubbier that that. I searched for pics and every one I looked at is smaller than mine. Does anyone else have one? I wonder exactly how rare (and maybe valuable) it is.
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    first wheel gun

    I'm a long time gun owner, but just bought my first revolver! All my hanguns up until this point have been autos, but I've been wanting a revolver for a while. I got a Ruger SP101 .327 with custom rubber grips. It has a great feel to it, and I'm anxious to fire it but haven't picked it up...
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    Idiot open carries in my store

    Today a remarkable thing happened. I work security in a retail establishment in Syracuse, NY. A man walks into the store and has a pistol on his waist. No armed security uniform. No shield on his belt. He's just open carrying in New York. I've never seen that. It struck me as odd, but for...
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    Visiting Vermont

    I live in NY and have a sportsman permit that doesn't allow me to carry when I'm not working. I hear that Vermont has the most liberal laws in the nation regarding owning and carrying guns, even to non-residents. My question is if I go to Vermont on vacation with my locked unloaded gun in the...
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    Glock as a duty weapon

    I've been thinking for a while now on getting a Glock and depending on who you ask, they are either the best or worst pistols in the world. I've known many a cop who swore by them and I certainly have heard from their naysayers. My prospective new employer is opposed to his officers using...
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    Hip holster

    I just bought a simple nylon thumb break Uncle Mike's hip holster. Question: What is the preferred side to secure the snap? I usually see it on the inside, closest to the body, but I've tried both and I can draw much quicker and easier from the opposite side. What does anyone prefer and why?
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    Wal Mart policy

    Interesting thing happened today. I was at Wal Mart and asked for 2 boxes of Blazer Brass in .40 caliber. As usual, I had to then point to the ones I wanted, as the guy working in sporting goods knows nothing about ammo. (I'm glad I don't get auto work done there, if I had to point to the...
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    Carry holster for work

    I'm going to be doing armed security work soon. I've been in security for a while but I've never carried. I'm not a newbie when it comes to firearms, but I live in The People's Republic of New York and this will actually be my first real time I've carried. I bought a simple nylon Uncle Mike's...
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    NY lasers?

    A friend of mine related to me that laser scopes are illegal in NY. Is he pulling my leg?
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    Worst gun of all time?

    On a few different threads, I have met some comradery in the fact that many others have had the same problem I once had. The Jennings J-22. A friend of mine had one and I thought it was a neat little mouse gun. He said it was junk and it had a good couple misfires but over all I liked it...
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    shall carry vs. may issue

    I was recently embroiled in a debate with two people on opposite ends of the spectrum of who should be allowed to carry. The first was in favor of may issue policies that put who's allowed up to a judge or sheriff. I did not agree with her. The other stated that if an individual has no...
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    Glock 19 vs. Steyr M-A1

    How do these 2 stack up. Statistically they mirror each other. 9mm, 4" barrel, polymer etc. Glock is a little lighter in weight. I've fired the Glock but not the Steyr. Anyone here able to compare them?
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    Cobra Patriot

    Anyone know anything about this pistol? I really like the looks of it but am unfamiliar with it, and would never buy a gun based on looks alone.